[@Plank Sinatra][@Write][@Crimmy][@Ayazi] [center]Beacon Academy-Vignoble Dorm [color=0072bc][b]Beryl Harken[/b][/color][/center] Beryl's attention was momentarily drawn to her scroll as it buzzed at her. A smile brightened her face as she read Bianca's message. Coffee somewhere would be perfect. It was a bit difficult to have a relaxed conversation with all the parents in their dorm room. She started typing out an agreement to the plan, only paying attention to the rest of the room with a corner of her mind. Gratia cursed vehemently followed by the sound of something being caught out of the air. [code] Sender: Beryl Harken Recipient: Group - Hunter in the streets, Grimm in the sheets (Bianca Nuit, Gratia Mindaro, Lucas Schwarz, Jericho Piper) Message: Sounds great. I need an excuse to get Lasai out of the dorm an[/code] A sound broke her concentration. It was of such an impossible combination that it couldn't have done anything else. [i][color=0072bc]Happiness?[/color][/i] [i][color=0072bc]...[/color][/i] [i][color=0072bc]Gratia?[/color][/i] Her eyes flicked up towards the completely [i]impossible[/i] sight before her. Gratia was hugging her parents and there was an emotion in her voice besides one of her infinite variations of disgust. More than that she sounded [i]happy.[/i] It turned out that the young Faunus could do a wonderful impression of a statue if given the right motivation. Her mouth would of been hanging open had she been capable of movement. Lasai glanced back and forth between her adoptive daughter and the happy family across the room before pulling out a beaten up scroll and fiddling with something on it.