Obadiah winced as the deadman spoke to her. She didn't mean to, but the rasping voice unnerved her. Still, she nodded in understanding. "Yes, we do the job first, then we..." Obadiah wasn't sure what to do once the job was finished. Luckily, she didn't have to finish her sentence, as the other human burst back into the room, wielding a huge gun. Obadiah wasn't sure why he needed such an overbearing weapon, but she was not one to judge another's war-making. "It is a big weapon. Loud too." She shrugged. The man suggested a simple plan, head to Nipton through a rest stop, and straight through to Nipton. The ghoul, however, responded, seeking Obadiah's opinion on the matter. She cocked her head, thinking on it a moment. "If we follow the road, we will be seen by Legion. At least, when we're near Legion territory." She looked at the minigun in the man's hands. "But maybe that's no problem for you." Obadiah thought a moment. "Perhaps, if one or two of us attracted the attention of the Legion warriors, another could sneak about, to strike at the nest." It seemed like a good plan to her. It worked when the tribe went hunting for crawlers and buzzers. "Hmm, either way, it will be a long walk. Need food, water, all that. Will be easier if we go together!" Obadiah smiled, ready to set out. "Oh, and I am Obadiah, warrior of Mal'okai! I am glad to meet enemies of the legion tribe."