Eilonwy trailed after her tall companion, trying to focus on her hunger rather than the warm feeling of raw power like hot ashes still simmering in her chest. While Nil spoke with the Bosmer, she let her eyes wander the marketplace, her gaze landing on an inn, the Bannered Mare. There would definitely be something to eat there, plus she would need to rent a room anyway. Her first day in Whiterun had been extremely eventful, and she was exhausted. She made her way up the steps to the front door, pausing to look over her shoulder at the half-mer, who had finished his transaction and seemed to be looking for her. She waved to get his attention and beckoned for him to follow her before pushing her way inside out of the crisp air. They would probably let him prepare his venison in the kitchen, at least, if she had anything to say about it. She didn't really want to be a Thane, she wasn't even sure what that entailed, but if she could use that title to pull some strings for her friend, well, what else could she use it for? She stood in the doorway for a moment to survey the scene briefly before walking over to the counter where a nord woman smiled at her warmly. [color=FF6347]"And what can I do for you, young lady?"[/color] she asked and paused wiping down the counter with the tattered rag in her right hand. Elle offered her a weary smile in return and said, [color=00B2EE]"I'll start with a hot meal, whatever's cheapest." [/color] The woman nodded, [color=FF6347]"Of course, have a seat anywhere and I'll have it right out to you."[/color] The young Breton nodded gratefully before retiring to an empty table, plopping down in one of the chairs with a sight a planting her elbows on the wooden surface, resting her face in her hands and closing her eyes for a moment. She was exhausted and sore from the hectic events of the past few days, especially their encounter from this afternoon, and she was half hoping she would wake up and it would all be a dream. But this was far too real for that. She was Dragonborn, and now she had to discover what that really meant and what she was supposed to do with that title, that power, what she was supposed to be. She was also trying to figure out how Nil fit into all this, if he even wanted to continue to be a part of it. They had developed a friendship in the short time they had known each other, but she didn't think that bond was near strong enough to keep him around, not after something like this.