While Jake was being ushered out of the car and in front of the building he saw the giant crowd in between him and the door....he wasn't good in crowds - to many people in too small a place - and before he could make a break for the door a man with a camera shoved a mic in his face and started blurting out questions. [color=blue]"Hey are you Satan the devil from the underground? Is it true that you can regenerate? Do you still feel pain? Did your parents really torture you? Do you remember them? Are you even human?"[/color] Jake's face got even paler then normal as he tried to cover his ears to blank out all the incoming questions. The man waited for a few seconds for Jake's response and it finally came in a rage of answers mixed with hysterical laughter and an ear to ear grin.[color=red] "SHUT UP!!!!!! YES I AM SATAN THE UNDERGROUND DEVIL!!!!! YES I CAN REGENERATE HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! PAIN???? I AM PAIN!!!! EVERYTHING ABOUT ME IS PAIN HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! YES MY PARENTS TORTURED ME!!! THEY DID IT FOR FUN HA HA HA AND YES I REMEMBER THEM, EVERY CUT, EVERY FINGER THEY CHOPPED OFF, EVERY TIME THEY OPENED ME UP JUST TO SEE WHAT WAS INSIDE, I REMEMBER EVERY BIT OF IT AND YES....I'M...."[/color]He stared into blank space as all the emotion left his face along with the ear to ear grin and he finished his sentence with a barely more then a whisper [color=red]"I am human at least I think so anyway. I'm done with this I'm gonna go find the fridge."[/color] He walked through the crowd merely pushing his way past anyone in between him and the door and proceeded inside.