[@Terminal] Kael had been expecting something like the metal coating. He had very much not been expecting to suddenly shoot forward and smash the whole machine, and he certainly didn't expect himself to be flinginhed off in some direction...he didn't even understand where such a word to describe that motion had come from, but he did know that wherever that was, this word seemed to describe his sudden unexpected journey perfectly. At least the metal had stopped before reaching his face or hands, that was the critical element of the plan there. As long as the motion of his entire body was still accomplished via his mind, and he had the use his hands and eyes, he could fix this problem. He drifted himself over to the backpack with the solvent in it, keeping himself oriented with the Pavise knight in view as he...rather awkwardly...fumbled with getting the bag open. As he did that, he tried to think about what went wrong...he had typed in the action, the subject of the action, and the degree to which the action must be accomplished...how is it that something drastically different occurred? Did he have to be more specific, perhaps type it out as one would tell a person to do something instead of how one might envision a magic spell? Of course, he did only have limited experience with such, but still...then there was the knight. If it weren't for being stuck in a blank dimension with his torso covered in un-yielding metal, Kael might find the knight's statement hilarious...hysterically so in fact. "[color=007236]A game? Toying with people's lives? How about ours? I didn't choose to come here, I didn't want to make enemies, but when you try to kill me, what do you expect to happen but us responding in kind? Don't you understand the concept of cause and effect?[/color]"