They spotted the warp point on their way back to where they came from. Viv chuckled at watching Yumikos enthusiasm about it. He looked it over just like it and back to his digivice. Candlemon casually jumped over, never appearing to be in any kind of hurry or care. He settled to stand beside his partner and observe. As they spotted the instruction Vivian offered a simple. [color=f7941d]"Ladies first."[/color] Thougth he didnt await for them to all but vanish in light. Teleportation?... Isnt that technically kill youself to have your collections of memories and thoughts implanted in a perfect copy of your body?... Then again wasnt something similar that happened when they he said gate open? ... Another point that he died and this was heaven or afterlife theory. He wasnt the only slightly mistrusting person, or at least the one who was taking his time as Rachel throwed her partner in it. He blatantly turned to stare at her. [color=f7941d]"... I hope you arent like that to your boyfriend or pets."[/color] He wanted to strike some more conversation to waste some more time. So the uncomfortable mind of his settled down again. Candlemon on the other hand decided no time wasting and took Vivians hand and pulled him to the warp point. The light went over both of them, before the redhead could form a protest. [hr] The arrived and simple stepped out and beside the others. Candlemons flame looked at Viv and gave him a small smile, one flame eyebrow raising in question. Viv huffed, feeling nearly as if the digimon was telling him it wasnt that bad, was it now. Slightly embraced about being caught in a bit of doubt he gave a nod in return and focused instead on the woman in front of them? [color=f7941d]"Oh didnt know we would meet other humans here. We are sorry it took us a bit longer to arrive than awaited to, mam. "[/color] Vivian spoke up looking around and behind her to the buildings. It was quite unique in style. [color=f7941d]"But we are here now to help out." [/color]