[@HereComesTheSnow] [B]Mindaro Mondays - [url=http://i.imgur.com/5Yg3CXc.jpg]Galla[/url][/B] "[color=DFFF00]Sure.[/color]" Despite the complete lack of emotion or interest in her tone, the short reply from the stoic young girl was one of agreement. She had dropped the notebook her big sister had provided into her bag, hefting it further up onto her shoulder to prevent it from falling. Gratia had tasked her with noting down anything interesting about the hair of the pair of sisters and the brother she had yet to meet. The twitching of the unruly strands were something she didn't particularly care about, but she knew that her sister would be incensed by them if their presence lacked explanation. Big sister was stubborn like that. If Gratia Mindaro wanted her to record everything, then Galla would unquestioningly do so. There was no real reason to pry. "[color=DFFF00]Where are they?[/color]" she asked in the same, unchanging tone, hazel eyes turning upon Dawn. It was a hollow question. Her family would want to know where she had gone. It didn't matter to her, but they would want the information.