Only ones that are mechanically meaningfully relevant apply, thus the Bladesinger wizard is still limited to elves, [@Cu Chulainn]. Thematic limitations do not apply because parallel examples do not always exist. I am perfectly accepting of "reflavored" characters, spells or abilities, but of course there are specific rules to that - casting Thunderwave will still require an invocation of something along the lines of [i]"Come thunder!"[/i] unless altered to become lacking in verbal components. The entire prospect of the question of "good" and "evil" with where faith sits in it I am writing in full currently to post in the topic itself, but the general notion should be said here for all to read clearly; within this setting, your belief, conviction, faith and devotion to good to "light", "good" or whatever you decide to call it in those vague turns, is the source of positive divine magic. Arcane magic is the mystical arts, something beyond any real understanding and that with which even mighty wizards are not fully certain of. Magic is personal in all of this, which gets to some moral issues I hope we participate a bit in. An edit for those who read this later, you can find the topic now [url=]here[/url].