[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/65/10/aa/6510aa91d3efc00bbe99fa46a7f28482.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] It seemed the little exchange with the barrel end of Anisa's pistol was enough to render Gene silent, walking with Dorothy to her quarters. The woman didn't say anything, just looking over at Dorothy before shutting the door with Dorothy on the hallway side and her on the inside. What she did in there was anyone's guess but whatever it was she made sure not to be heard. That was if she was doing anything. The Captain had been focused on making her way back to her quarters, well what she was calling her quarters for now. Then she changed her mind. Wandering over to the galley and looking around. The place seemed to be empty but that didn't surprise her. The ship had had a skeleton crew when she took over and it was what was considered the night shift now. At least she thought it had been empty, that was until she heard the tell tale sound of am empty bottle landing on the ground and threatening to but not yet breaking. Cocking a brow she drew her side arm, this was getting to a pattern. Slowly she stepped towards the sound and peered over the counter into the kitchen area. There sitting sprawled out on the ground was what appeared to be a very drunken Jahosafat. Letting her finger off the trigger she sighed. [color=gray]"I do declare, aren't you the vision of an angel,"[/color] he said, his speech slurring horrifically. Rolling her eyes Anisa holstered her side arm. Up at the Foyer, Atticus gave a cockeyed glance towards Foy and shrugged. The man might claim to not be a mystery but he sure as hell didn't understand the man: granted he might just need to brush up on his vocabulary. Might want to get one of those one a day word calendars. Then he thought maybe Foy wasn't such a mystery after all. Many a people thought the Preacher was a mystery and he wasn't, he was rather an open book as well but people had a hard time wrapping their head around a Preacher who sinned. Granted most Preachers sinned in one way or another but they hid it. Atticus was rather open with his vices. Sitting back down in the hair he got comfortable. He didn't want to upset Foy and end up walking around the ship with half cut hair. Then he be forced to shave it all off and let it grow back evenly. The hell he was going through that... Again! [color=fff79a]"Well I for one prefer to not have to raise my hands but even God has to smite the occasional sinner. When push comes to shove I prefer neither the fist or the bullet. I prefer the boom, big booms, with all the colors of hell burning,"[/color] he said and grinned. The man had a love for explosives.