There is a vast difference between adding in a former staff member who offers to help and anyone that offers to help. Thing is, when people offer to help who haven't been tested yet as a moderator it can lead to many issues. Sure there are plenty of people that wish to help but until the staff has time, this is a good middle ground. And you don't just want to put in anyone as a mod who offers that hasn't been a mod on these forums before. That leads to far too many problems. There is a big difference between those who offer to help and those that are helping. Seen far too many people in the past on other forums who offered to help get moved up the ranks and in the end either did nothing or only caused problems because of attitude and "power trips" - to get a new mod to the mix takes time. They need to check how long someone has been here, are their complaints against them, do they have experience elsewhere, can they prove that, and god only knows what else they do before bringing in someone new. Are they going to consider someone who is primarily an Rper or a GM? Which could give a good look into the person and if they will mesh well with the current staff. Sure, someone offered but hey, if they have a track record of flaking out of Rp's or always posting "sorry can't post for this that or the other" and giving excuses not to keep up - then they would be a bad choice as a Moderator - if they can't keep up with an RP, how can they handle the added responsibility of a modship? Granted, I have no clue on their vetting process here, I just know what tactics I have used in the past on other forums to bring in new mods. Things I look at personally. (And normally, unless it is an extreme circumstance I never would promote anyone that offered that I hadn't worked with in the past.) But then again, that is my usual two copper pieces on it. On another note - anyone know if changes were made to the code as of yet? The forum is running smoother for me, especially when accessing my pm's and my profile page. I am wondering if that is a code change or if the servers are just behaving.