[@Lexicon] I'm hoping for a fairly large group of players, that way if anyone has to leave or disappears off the face of the Earth we still have a meaty cast to work with. Given how many people have shown interest so far however I think this is a good enough time to start. Just need some time to throw everything down with Drag and finish a map of the community/neighborhood the Tales will be centralized in. [quote=@pugbutter] [i]Edit: Aaaaand apparently she's dead in the comics. Never mind. Back to the drawing board.[/i] [/quote] The roleplay is only loosely inspired by Fables/Wolf Among Us, Pugbuetter. So don't worry about any canon stuff from that. As long as the character is from some kind of urban legend or fairy tale regardless of nationality they're fair game. [quote=@FantasyChic] [i]So this is inspired by Fables yes? So if we make a character it doesn't have to follow how Fables has them?[/i] [/quote] We'd prefer if you didn't follow or lift how Fables handled certain fairy tales, Fantastychic. Me and Drag would really like to see players doing interesting things with the fairy tale characters they claim and giving them a unique spin. For example. [@MissCapnCrunch] wanted to claim Bambi. Normally Bambi is thought of as a meek foal or the Kingly deer he grows up into. However perhaps this Bambi was left deeply haunted by the death of his mother and when he came to the New World the urban environment he was forced to live in left him little chance to escape the guilt and anger he felt turning him into a foul mouthed teenage delinquent. Or something like that. My Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf are pretty drastic departures from how they're normally shown, but that's perfectly alright. As long as it's written and well explained then chances are we're willing to accept it if it's interesting. [@Holy Soldier] Thank you! Though it was mostly Drag's idea. I just brainstormed with them and helped them out with some of the writing.