[hr][hr] [center][h1]Juliette Morrison[/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m54ma9gt7t1qdznpo.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Ghal-Priyam; Holloway Co. [sup][b]Post In Collaboration With:[/b] None. [b]Interacting With:[/b] Luna Stevenoson ([@Caits]), Raymond Rahlei, and everyone else there.[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] She couldn’t help but to remain silent; her lithe body turning just that little bit further into Raymond’s larger frame, and the both of them choosing to stick to the back of the tour group as the sound of the familiar voice hit their ears, telling her exactly who it was that had come to meet with them. Maxine Holloway. While she ever polite in her ways; the woman was undeniably a force to be reckoned with- one that tended to, more times than none, get her way… and one that her parents had always taught her to be weary of. She was intelligent… powerful… independent… There was seldom a person in all of Ghal-Priyam that would choose willingly to stand up against her; and if there were ever one lesson she would want to pass on to others around her… If you can help it, do everything you can to stay off Maxine Holloway’s radar. The tightening of an arm around her waist however, had Juliette lifting her head, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly from one another as the warmth of his breath fanned out over her features from above- once again, Raymond was seeking to offer her comfort. It seemed as though her slight anxiousness was more easily read than the pages of a book as she shifted nervously against his side, the conversation filling the air around her merely lost, falling upon deaf ears until the mention of her name caught her attention, causing her to turn her head in the direction of the voice. Still rather new sounding… one she was unfamiliar with, though had heard not ten minutes or so prior. The Devil Diver wished to speak with her..? [b]“So… Juliette, right? What do you do?”[/b] The words were confusing; only few actually understood as she tried to make heads and tails of what she was being asked. Her name… the woman had sounded unsure when she spoke it; was she asking her what her name was..? Uncertainty flickering over her gentle features, Juliette turned her head once more, her bright blues gazing back up in the direction she could feel Raymond’s steady breath falling from as she spoke softly in their native tongue, doing her best not to be overheard or to interrupt Madam Holloway in any way, “..I do not understand what it is that she wants…” Chuckling softly at her admittance, Raymond gave her side a gentle squeeze, urging her to turn back to the Devil Diver as he began to translate as best as he could for her, “She wants to know what it is that you do.” “O-Oh…” Pausing a moment as she thought on the question, Juliette followed his encouragement, her attention turning back over to the woman as she began to answer, hoping that whatever she said, Raymond would be able to translate for her, “I, uhm… I help my parents at my families bar, and sing for them, and-… and I weave baskets…” Being sure to listen to what it was she was saying first, Raymond took a moment to himself before he turned back to the woman who was speaking to them, a small smile on his face as he translated what Juliette had just said into the language that Luna and the other Devil Divers were more likely to understand, “She said that she sometimes helps at her families bar, she likes to sing for them; and that she also weaves baskets.”