[hider=Kreshakin-Rakultak][center][b]Name[/b] Kreshakin-Rakultak [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Appearance[/b] "A four-foot tall, green-skinned, ugly piece of work." Well, more like three and half, and slightly paler than other goblins. Can't argue with the last one, though. [b]Personality[/b] Kreshakin loves his Gift. Adores it. If he can afford to, he'll spend all of his time dozens of feet above his fellows. He also has an intense enjoyment of competition. The two traits combined lead him to challenge himself to the best of his abilities, aiming to exceed his allies and beat whatever nature can throw at him. The desire to outdo absolutely everything can be obnoxious to put up with, but for the most part it's just a lot of fun. As you might be expecting by now, Kreshakin is an all-play, no-work kind of goblin. When not doing whatever he wants to be doing, he is lazy and not worth much in whatever goal is being worked towards. Basically, he does a complete turnaround. He dislikes responsibility, and it's very difficult to get him to do something, if he's decided he doesn't want to do it. [b]Past life history[/b] Kevin Ralston was a twenty-something extreme sportsman when the world ended. His family had been incredibly rich, but unlike them he was never content with sitting around, sipping expensive wines all day. Taking advantage of the immense amount of money he had access to, he spent his time travelling the world, doing the craziest things he could image (mostly extreme sports, that kind of thing) and posting YouTube videos of them. That was the other thing he really loved: being able to communicate with a community of like-minded people. Of course, there were always jerks, and morons, but for the most part it was a lot of fun. It barely matters though, that's all over now. [b]Gift[/b] An [i]amazing[/i] climber, Kreshakin's skill lies in climbing the unclimable, and climbing the climable in record time. Of course, he takes this too far, but that's just who he is. [/center][/hider] [@Moonlit Sonata] We good here? I hyphenated the name since someone (I think it was you) said a goblin with a surname would be weird and they're probably right.