[hider=A ruffian sitting at the bar][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/21789ee9b193f35fb6db644bc69d8e1a/tumblr_n6aii22GBs1szah27o1_500.gif[/img][/hider] overheard what the brute had said, and he turned himself slightly to the left so he could eavesdrop. This particular rogue was pretty unassuming, aside from the old scar that someone - or something - had carved across his face. However, at the moment he was not drawing any attention, unlike the barbarian, and that's the way he wanted it, being roguish and all. His green eyes pierced the dimly lit tavern as he eyed each of the patrons and employees carefully. Ah yes, he'd heard right, hadn't he? The Mad God Loki! In this realm, Loki must be the big cheese, or at least one of them, he surmised. Scratching his unshaven jowl, the dark-haired man lifted his drink to his lips as the large man laid coin upon the counter. This caught his eye, but only for a moment. He didn't need money right now. The drifter flexed slightly in his black leather vest, bearing his impressive biceps, though they were scarred from battle, or torture, much like his visage. He leaned closer to the two men as they spoke, eager to gain some information about this wicked mage. Perhaps he could offer the pointy-eared clown something in exchange for a meet-and-greet with the grinning git himself. Another chance to steal Loki's power would be pretty top.