Something I've thought about giving a go for a while, because I'm curious to see if other people have similar "secrets" to me per se. The idea behind it is to have a "cardboard confessions" type of thing, where we can post confessions about weird or curious habits or thoughts we happen to have while plotting, roleplaying etc. I guess? This could be anything from unpopular headcanons/pet peeves to the tendency to lurk in threads you're not a part of just to follow the story etc. Let's keep it civil and not use this thread for bashing each other, either. You can disagree with someone or think that their opinion/habits are odd, but you can do it without being an asshat, mm'kay? Good. Disclaimer: Asshats will be taken prisoner and sacrificed to Mahz next time there is a server crash and/or bot invasion. :') I'll start! Roleplayer Confessions #1: I get so attached to some of my roleplay threads when the plot, characters and/or setting are SO GOOD that I am paranoid of it being lost forever if there's another Guildfall, so I copy the posts over into a Google Docs file, which has a backup Word document that is backed up onto a USB stick which is a copy of the backup on an external hard drive....yeah, I know that's excessive but I REALLY don't wanna lose these threads! ^^; XD Roleplayer Confessions #2: I kill characters off for dramatic effect and/or character development for other characters, then immediately regret the decision and end up missing being able to write for the dead character, so I write out a plethora of "Alternate Universe/Endings" in my head, where I change the way the plot goes to keep that character alive and experiment to see how the plot would have differed Roleplayer Confessions #3: I always make music playlists for all my long-term threads/roleplayers, these playlists contain songs which remind me of the characters/plot/setting and I always play them while working on posts or plot ideas to keep my brain "in the zone" for that particular thread. Roleplayer Confessions #4: I frequently doodle pictures of my roleplay characters and sometimes my partner's characters if there is a scene I find particularly impactful, even though I don't always post them in my Art Dump or show them to my partners. Sometimes I'm too embarrassed to admit that I'm nerdy enough to get so attached to characters that I compulsively doodle them ALL THE TIME so I just don't say anything XDD Roleplayer Confessions #5: I don't have my own thread in the character sheets gallery thing, because I'm too paranoid that people would either: a) hate my precious brain children for whatever reason and bash them mercilessly or b) heavily reference the backstories/relationship dynamics I have set up for my characters and use them for their own. Now I know this one is more silly because no OC is 100% original, I've drawn inspiration for mine from books, movies, games etc. that I've played but I try my hardest to give them my own unique twist and it would break my heart to see someone else plagarise ANY of my characters entirely because I treat my OCs (some more than others) like my children and I'm very protective of them Roleplayer Confessions #6: About a year ago when I joined the Guild, I created a brand new character for use in a 1x1 RP with a VERY simple basic concept, and didn't really plan much else of her backstory etc. out....I just "winged it" and let her write herself. In 3 months I was more in love with her as a character, and felt she was better fleshed out than some of the OCs I created back in 2006 when I was 10 years old Roleplayer Confessions #7: I have since "abandoned" most of those 2006 OCs to instead write more with this band of new characters that spawned from that silly, spur-of-the-moment concept....I've tried to feel even a little bit guilty about liking the new characters more. I don't. I think the old OCs secretly hate me and might plot my demise.