[center][b][h3][color=#ff8566]Sister Sophia[/color][/h3][/b] The whispering woods [/center] It was unclear just how long the Seraphim lay in the pool, how long it took for her to awaken from her possession/madness, to leave the blissful escape of unconsciousness. The first thing she experienced as she regained control of her body was pain. So much pain. Except, oddly, her arm. She did not really have long to ink about this before she realizes there was a hideous thing right in front of her. A long centipede like monstrosity which twitched and groped around blindly with 3 massive pincers. Her knives, where where her knives! [color=#ff8566]“Emperor give me strength”[/color] She groans as she begins to tries to get away spotting the knives lying under the water, but the thing is to fast, it reaches out and grabs the knife! Its coming for her it’s going to! Sophia hands herself the knife. And then releases where the thing came from. From the ruins of her armor pad it emerges from the warped remains of her shoulder. It is part of her, it is her monsters arm, a parting gift from the now dead Chotho. [color=#ff8566]“no”[/color] almost a whisper, she stares at it. This corruption. [color=#ff8566]“please no”[/color] she can’t look away, the vile thing consumes her vision. This mutation. [color=#ff8566]”AHHH!”[/color] she screams, raising the knife aiming to slice it off. This HERESY! [sub][i][color=#FFD700]Stops stop stop you stupid girl. Put the knife down[/color][/i][/sub] Louder, it’s louder now why is it louder. The voice, The whisper. She could almost hear it. Where. Where was it! The arm forgotten, knife dropped back into the water, for a moment she looked around desperately for guidance, for the source of that holy murmur and saw. Saw! [url=http://www.bogleech.com/mortasheen/gromory.png]Geromory[/url]. How it had survived the fire was anyone's guess but it for some reason had with it all of the medical supplies from the supply catch. [color=#ff8566]”wh.. waht?”[/color] She tried to stop them,[color=#ff8566]”get away from me you hideous mutant”[/color], yet with her weakened state it seems to slip easily past her, hardly trying as she missed every awarded flail at it. It got in close and jabbed something in her exposed wriggling arm. Her body and mind began to go numb as the painkillers made her feel slightly less awful. She was helped out of the pool to a rocky outcrop clear of ash where she removed her armor, a task made difficult by the malformed arm, and began to deal with the bruising and bleeding she was suffering as best she could. It was a long and clumsy process, but as she worked the whisper told her not to despair and more importantly not to try and cut her arm off again, the blood loss would kill her. She wondered what she should do now. Find more ammo and fuel probably. She may be tainted, but she was still fervent in her purpose. She would complete her duty and then die for her sin. Actually what she really needed was an [url=http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Sister_Repentia] Eviscerator [/url]