[center] [hider=Caligate Androsion] [h1][color=f26522][i]"They say death is an absolute... I say absolutely not!"[/i][/color][/h1] [hider=Caligate Androsion] [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/b056/f/2013/295/0/c/iliveinabottle_v_final__post__by_zasalamell-d6rhawh.jpg[/img] [/hider] [h3]AGE[/h3] 45 [h3]-WEAPONARY AND STYLE:[/h3] [color=f26522]"My policy is why fight when you can have a countless army of demons to do it for you?"[/color] A Master at Conjuration Magic and a Journeyman in Restoration. Uses Bound Sword and Bound Bow as weapons. Caligate power lies in his intelligence and powerful Conjuration spells. When he travels, he does so with a permanent frost thrall at his side, but he isn't unable or opposed to summon other creatures to fight for him for whatever combat situation he is in. He knows all conjuration spells, and is especially a fan of summoning demons. While his demons are assaulting his enemies, he uses his bound bow to shoot them from afar, conjuring up new demon when needed. [color=f26522]"A steel sword is an alright weapon, but what about a sword forged in the fires of Oblivion itself?"[/color] [hider= Swordplay] When in cramped spaces or caught with his back against the wall, Caligate uses his bound sword. His style of swordplay is one full of parries and keeping his distance from his opponent until he can land a sure strike. He attempts to provoke them into mistakes that he can take advantage of. If the fight goes on too long, Caligate tries to look for openings to run so he can summon a creature to take on his attacker. [/hider] [color=f26522]"I'll have an ice giant running towards them, a flame creature throwing fire at their feet, and the fury of a storm frying their friends around them. Hopefully that'll keep their arrows off me."[/color] [hider= Bows and Arrows, Throwing Knives, Other Long Ranged Weapons] Caligate is alright with his bound bow and arrow, but his skills do not rival any master bowman. His demons tend to distract long ranged enemies to attack them. If the demons fail to protect Caligate, he will probably fail to defend himself from any good bowman. [/hider] [color=f26522]"If they get that close, my best bet is to run."[/color] [hider=Daggers] Caligate can do little against daggers, as he can't parry the small blades of daggers. It is vary rare for Caligate to face someone with daggers in one to one combat, with he long range "keep away" tactics. [/hider] [color=f26522]"Well, I was born with claws, so my strategy is to claw their eyes out and run."[/color] [hider=Unarmed] Other than his obvious racial advantage, Caligate does not have any hand to hand combat experience. In a fist fight, Caligate would sooner run or conjure up a sword then swing an unsuccessful fist at his enemy. [/hider] [h3]SKILLS AND SPELLS[/H3] [hider= Skills and spells] [b]Summon Frost Demon[/b] [hider=Apperance] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/9/9c/Frost_Atronach_1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131112051839[/img] [/hider] [i]A hulking humanoid glacier stands at about 10 feet tall and 5 feet wide, rampaging at anything that tries to get in it's way.[/i] Caligate's preferred demon to summon is the bulky frost demon. Standing to close to the demon for too long can cause frostbite to it's victims. The frost demon attacks with it's giant fists of ice, slamming down on opponents. However, it is not limited to simply thrashing around. The frost demon can slam it's fist with a magical force, sending icicles shooting up from the ground in a line. It also can increase the intensity of it's frost aura for a small amount of time, freezing any water within a 1 foot radius around it. [b]Summon Fire Demon[/b] [i]She swirls around in the air, as almost if she is dancing. Onlookers are usually in awe before they burn to the ground.[/i] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/b/b4/Flame_Atronach_4.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131112051421[/img] [/hider] The fire demon fights at a distance, hurling fireballs at Caligate's opponents. The aura around her is intensely hot, and her touch causes burns to those unprotected by magic. The fire demon can also expel flames (similar to a flamethrower) from her hands, scorching anyone who dares draw near her. [b]Summon Storm Demon[/b] [i]Lightning cackles as a seemingly faceless mass of rocks swirl through the air. As a warrior charges the being, lightning fires from the rocks and the man falls to the ground.[/i] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/7/71/Storm_Atronach_2.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/2000?cb=20131112052204[/img] [/hider] The storm demon is a very potent and powerful demon. It is more sturdy than the fire demon but not a strong as the frost. However, it's offensive spells outshine both, sending lightning bolts at it's enemies and shocking those who come near with a burst of electricity. [b]Conjure Bow and Sword[/b] Caligate creates a bow or sword made of spectral energy. These weapons not only slice and pierce flesh, but signed the soul as well, weakening magical abilities for those who are hit. [/hider] [h3]BIO:[/h3] [color=f26522]"What great mage doesn't have a tragic childhood tale?"[/color] Caligate grew up destined to be a great mage. His father was a master conjurer and his mother was a master restorationist, both teaching him about magic at a young age. However, due to domestic disputes, his mother and father split rather violently. His mother managed to take all of his siblings, but left Caligate due his inclination towards conjuration. While tragic, this would ultimately prove good for Caligate, as he had his father's undivided attention for teaching him conjuration magic. [color=f26522]"Father was great too me, but even he had his limits when it came to magic."[/color] His teachings would continue until he reached the age of thirteen, where he was sent off to the Magic College. There, his skills increased tenfold, and he found his skills were surpassing even the teachers. He was enthralled (ha) with the Demon Forge, and whenever he wasn't in classes he could be found there, studying it. [color=f26522]"Ah, that Demon Forge. Someday I hope to create something like it..."[/color] Caligate stayed a student until he was 18, where upon graduating he was offered a position as a teacher at the Magic College. He accepted, and began teaching classes in conjuration. However, while Caligate was an excellent mage and great at pushing his student's potential, his classes were known to be notoriously unsafe. Several students would leave the class singed by a flame demon or rendered unconscious by trying to cast spells they simply weren't ready for. Many feared Caligate's classes, but his teaching methods were effective. Those who could make it through his class had their abilities increase tenfold. Despite his dangerous teachings, the Magic College kept him due to his fantastic results. [color=f26522]"They couldn't get rid of me! My classes produced the best conjurers! That, and a few medical injuries. But still!"[/color] Caligate continued his teaching until, of course, he met a girl. Caligate was gathering materials to be used in the Demon forge when he found himself with a sword to his neck that belonged to a female high elf named Lucille. She was no mage like Caligate, she was a rouge-ish type. He was immediately enamored by her appearance, and when she demanded all of his gold, he demanded that he take her out to dinner. She laughed and robbed the argonian of all he had. Caligate left, then returned to the same spot she had mugged him the day before, but this time holding flowers. Lucille thought Caligate was crazy, but instead of sneaking up on Caligate, she revealed herself and their romance bloomed. They were married within a year, and Caligate, having gathered a substantial amount of wealth over the years, retired from his teaching position at the Magic College and became a part time researcher. Lucille no longer had to resort to mugging for making ends meet, so she turned to hunting and selling pelts to add to Caligate and her's income. They were married 8 amazing years. [color=f26522]"Ah, Lucille... I miss her terribly...[/color] These years, unfortunately ended in tragedy. Unbeknownst to Caligate, Lucille had worked for the Dark Brotherhood before meeting him. She held high rank within the order before she left, but took an oath to never tell any of the secrets she knew to anyone. However, a coup within the organization led to a change in power, and resulted in an order being sent out by their new leader to tie up all possible loose ends the brotherhood had. [color=f26522]"I came home to my dear Lucille with a knife in her back... And that damned symbol over out bedframe...[/color] At first, Caligate tried magic to bring his love back to life. He knew spells to keep a corpse preserved as a mindless Revenant, but he could not resurrect Lucille's personality. He began not showing up to his lecture classes at the Magic College, simply leaving a note on the door for what sections to read in a spellbook. He spent his time in the library, trying desperately to find something on bringing back the dead. He could not find anything in the library for months, and so his focus shifted from reviving the one he loved to avenging her. [color=f26522]"Nothing mattered after that... nothing but killing those bastards!"[/color] Caligate spiraled into a rage after failing to find an answer to bring Lucille back, and began his quest for vengeance against the Dark Brotherhood. He dropped his ties at the Magic College immediately and began searching for any signs or clues of the Brotherhood he could find. He searched long and hard for 3 years, and never got any closer than he was on day one. The three years of failure exhausted his resources he accumulate from the Magic College via alcohol. Instead of searching for vengeance, Caligate tried to forget it all by staring into the bottom of a bottle. He roams the land, going from tavern to tavern doing odd jobs just to get him through the day. Most can find the Argonian sitting in the corner of the bar, alternating between drunken rambling about the Dark Brotherhood or sobbing about his lost love. [/hider] [/center]