[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QDRaQkR.jpg[/img] & [color=aquamarine]Beatrix[/color][/center][hr][hr] After getting over the initial shock of their next case, Zara hesitantly opened her eyes to glance once more at the paper in her hands. She scanned over the name of the building and cleared her throat. It made sense that she was going to be in charge of this next case- it'd be easy peasy for her to find all the crazy dead people. Probably also meant that it was something that relied heavily on her skills, seeing as how the last case was solved by Emory's hand. She shook her head and set the paper back down on the table. The woman wanted nothing to do with anymore crazy people. She had enough crazy in her life for the moment, thank you very much. As she tried to talk herself into forgoing the case, a voice caught her ear. It stunned her enough to jump and a hand quickly went to her chest. She glanced over at the doorway and noticed Kieran knealing next to the new girl. Her eyes went to the bracelet around her wrist and she let out the breath she had been holding. It was definitely going to take a lot to get used to, not hearing people's thoughts and all. With a small clearing of her throat, she shrugged her shoulders and stepped away from the map. [color=teal]"I don't-"[/color] Her words were interrupted by Emory's explanation. So. He [i]did[/i] know that there were going to be others showing up. Though, what he said highly surprised her. The girl was fresh out of Hogwarts? Folding her arms across her chest, she rose a brow at him. [color=teal]"You mean to tell me, the ORO seriously recruited a kid?"[/color] Her eyes stayed on him as he grabbed the map before leaving the room. With a quick shake of her head, she was about to hurry after him before walking into the new doctor. Biting the inside of her cheek, she waited for him to be finished before nodding. [color=teal]"Good. Cause my mind's off limits."[/color] She cleared her throat once more before holding up her wrist. [color=teal]"Thanks for the block, by the way..."[/color] Before he could respond, she hurried out of the room and followed Emory into the apparition room. She played with her hands and drew in a deep breath. [color=teal]"I know you're busy, but uh...I don't want things to be weird between us..."[/color] Zara ran a hand through her hair and nodded towards the map. [color=teal]"He was saying my name when he did that. Don't know if it means much."[/color] [hr]The feeling of another person touching her started to bring Beatrix back to the surface. Her ears soon picked up the muffled voices of others relatively close to her, as well. Was she dreaming? With a small groan, the young girl's eyes slowly fluttered open- only to realize that she was looking up into two very strange faces. Sucking in a breath, her hands clenched into fists- and her ears morphed into those of an elephants. Her eyes searched the faces of the two men hovering over her before she meekly spoke. [color=aquamarine]"Uh, no, no....I'm fine, thank you..."[/color] Using the heels of her hands, she pushed herself up into a sitting position. One hand went to the back of her head with a wince; she must have hit the ground harder than she realized. She looked around the hallway and rose a brow at where she sat. Wasn't there a man standing in front of her, just moments before? Or had she hallucinated? Shaking her head quickly, she looked back at the men standing near her. [color=aquamarine]"Uh, yeah, hi. Hi. I'm Trix. And uh, I could have sworn there was a man over there...He was-"[/color] She stopped herself, not wanting to admit to what she [i]thought[/i] she had seen. [color=aquamarine]"Uh, nevermind."[/color] Bea's hand automatically went to push the silver locks away from her face when her fingers draped across something far larger than her normal ear. Her eyes widened and she looked around for a mirror. Finding one, she hurried to her feet and ran over to see her reflection. She gave a strangled squeal; one hand wrapped around the top of her head to try to cover her ears, while the other hand went to her snout. [color=aquamarine]"Oh, this isn't happening, this isn't happening..."[/color]