[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZewxGJf.png[/img] [color=ffe4c4]Getting food[/color][/center] [color=ffe4c4]"Seafood? Ah, sure."[/color] Yue went and took looked at the menu. Apparently they did sushi, only without the rice or seaweed. Yue was somewhat familiar with this style, though she's never been asked to make anything like this before. She wasn't even sure what to order. She guessed... A bit of everything? [color=ffe4c4]"Ah... Do you have a sampler platter of some sort? Perhaps a bit of everything?"[/color] Actually vocalizing it made Yue realize just how stupid that sound. A bit of everything, did she expect them to get every fish they had and just give her a few slices? Before the employees may try to lynch her, Yue quickly decided to make a better choice. [color=ffe4c4]"You know I think I'll have the tuna. With a diet soda? I'll just... Be waiting over here."[/color] Yue then retreated from the front of the food stand and stood off to the side a bit. She fiddled with her uniform, feeling slightly embarrassed about how revealing it is. She was starting to get hot and bothered showing off this much skin in public. It wasn't that unpleasant actually. [color=ffe4c4][i]"Oh my... I just realized this is the first time I haven't work a dress or a skirt since I was a child...."[/i][/color] Even though she didn't expose anything explicit, the fact she wasn't wearing her usual uniform made Yue feel like she was wearing nothing at all. [i]Nothing at all.[/i] She could feel the stares piercing through her body, her breath panting heavily. [color=ffe4c4]"Ah... Ah... I'll be right back!"[/color] Suddenly Yue was gone. She turned the corner and went to find somewhere were no one could look at her, just so she could cool off from the excitement. She felt like a bad girl, and it felt so [i]good[/i]. [@Crimmy][@Sho Minazuki]