[@71452K] Hey, it's good you're hospitable. I'm gonna need all the encouragement I can get. I did hear of that app or some kind like that. I don't know about getting a cell phone. I've been doing a lot of reading whether I should bring my dinky old S4 with me but have it unlocked. Or get a cheap phone in Japan and try to get MVNO's monthly plan. Some jobs in Japan require a cell phone. I could take it or leave it if I'm saving 30-60 bucks a month by not having it. But I also know it would be nice to have... [@LostBrotherGrimm] Come visit me in Sendai! I need company. I haven't even moved yet and I'm lonely. XD I think that's super cool though. I have always wanted to check out Japan but could never commit to a trip in terms of expenses, so I'm going to live there for a bit and get working exp. But I am sure it'll go well for you! And yeah this round wouldn't be bad for K to skip. I wanted to get something up tonight but it doesn't look very likely since I'm just now getting on and probably only have an hour or two before I hit the hay. I haven't been sleeping well lately, anxiety and such. Buuuut I will work on a post anyway and maybe it'll finish itself magically before I go to bed. XD