[@Crimmy][@Write] [url=http://www.9thcx.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Tsukihi-Araragi.jpg][b]Dawn Schwarz[/b][/url] At Galla's affirmative, the younger, more feminine member of the Two Biggest Pains in Lucas Schwarz's Ass smiled beatifically. [color=00aeef]"Great!"[/color] Raising a hand to beckon the other girl and her statuesque expression forward alongside her, she started off at a rather leisurely pace for a girl chasing someone who was looking to set a new land speed record on campus. One could argue it being due to her geta-clad feet not being able to put forth as much hustle compared to someone in running shoes, but that argument also fell apart fairly handily when you took into account her nonchalant pace being reflected in her entire demeanor. If nothing else, this girl had faith in her brother's resilience. [color=00aeef]"Last I checked, your big sister said that he's at the Armory, so that's probably where April's headed. If it isn't... Eh, she'll find her way there one way or another! As long as we get there ourselves, we'll catch her.[/color]" How admirably collected. [hr] [url=https://burefiri.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/horriblesubs_nisemonogatari_-_02_1080p-mkv_snapshot_13-49_2012-01-20_23-23-06.jpg][b]Luke and April[/b][/url] As the door closed behind us, I glanced (read: glared) over to the window, only to find that Tanner had walked off already. That sleazy looking guy really could never stay in one spot, could he? Well, if he was planning on coming in and talking to me directly, I'd be sure to give him a hard time for distracting me just long enough to get me kicked in the face. I knew he planned it playing out like that. However sleazy and unkempt he looked, Tanner never did things without purpose. For as long as I'd known him, every bit of frivolity he had was towards some sort of point. Even when he got you wildly sidetracked in a conversation, he somehow always steered things into some kind of revelation about you, or tying it all back into whatever idea he was getting at. It was part of why he annoyed me so much. It's one thing to see right through me, but another thing entirely to abuse that ability in ways I couldn't even keep up with. Without meaning to, if only due to him not caring enough about doing so, he had an excellent way of making you feel small. And speaking of feeling small, the colossal fifteen year old next to me spoke up. [color=ffcf40]"They seemed nice. How d'you know those two anyway, Nii-chan?"[/color] Don't question me knowing nice people. I can talk to nice people just fine. [b]"Well, Bianca's a new teammate as well as one of the other people on that cruise that got foisted onto me, and Estelle is going to be one of the teachers here pretty soon."[/b] I explained it succinctly, sitting back down at the desk where my long-forgotten "project" sat, thankfully undisturbed by all the commotion. [color=ffcf40]"Oh, so they have to know you."[/color] she summarized. I looked up. [b]"Ow..."[/b] [i]Bonk[/i]ing herself on the head and sticking her tongue out with a wink and a [i]tee-hee![/i], she completely failed to realize that all the fights we'd gotten into over the years made it impossible for me to see her as cute. Even as a girl was a tough out. [color=ffcf40]"Sorry, I had to!"[/color] [b]"You really didn't."[/b] [color=ffcf40]"But is was right there!"[/color] [b]"Have you heard of the term 'low-hanging fruit'?"[/b] [color=ffcf40]"I don't want to hear about your guy problems unless you wanna hear about my girl problems."[/color] [i][b]"..."[/b][/i] Hello? Where can I get a new little sister? This one's [i]defective[/i]. Not an ounce of shame! [color=ffcf40]"I mean, unless you [i]also[/i] have girl problems to talk abou--"[/color] [url=https://ginnodangan.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/nisemonogatari09-12.jpg]I shut her up.[/url] [b]"Quit being a moron, April."[/b] I groused, shaking out my fist and sitting back down [i]again[/i]. [color=ffcf40]"Ugh..."[/color] she grumbled, more out of annoyance than anything else, before leaning over the table from the other side in curiosity. [color=ffcf40]"So whatcha workin' on with Mom's old Drillfists?"[/color] I indicated a specific mechanism, located roughly at the first two knuckles. [b]"I'm trying to break down the drill bit and motor. Wanna reverse-engineer it."[/b] [color=ffcf40]"Oh, that shouldn't be too hard!"[/color] Speak for yourself...