[hider=Space Saver] Bring that iphone. I cannot stress how important being able to access the internet at all times, especially here, is. Unless you speak fluent japanese or have lived here a long time, getting around and accessing deals (those qcode scan things are EVERYWHERE) requires a phone. Also, japanese phones are formatted a bit differently to suit local users - it's not friendly to use if you're not japanese. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ So don't make the mistake of taking up a new phone here so soon, bring that one unlocked to get used to everything. It might be good to get Mvno's mobile plans that don't need a contract, softbank and all tge other stuffs will tie you down with a 2 year commitment (°^°) but Mvnos won't. If you want a tip for getting a new phone though, get a dual sim phone - one for network, tge other for calls (it costs less than unlimited data/call plans if purchased from two seperate companies). It's a real saver in the long run. Btw, I have literally almost froze in the streets at night 3 months ago during the cold season and having access to the network let me find a nearby hidden conbini to prevent that from happening. D: . So yes, bring phone. It's important. [@LostBrotherGrimm] [@Genkai] [/hider]