We could also be re-engaging each other's targets, though. Well, I'm imagining them as the timeless "Macross flying-bricks", beamspammery, and macross missile massacres. -At least those are things I've learned to expect. Since RL-airfoils pretty much peaked about 20 years ago and things of/from space tend to be blunt for a number of practical reasons. That isn't to say the dogfights in Macross are bad. -In fact, if I start acting a bit too cocky, I fully expect to run face-first into [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXL6W3sdjpk]this sort of predicament[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21a8T_E5MnQ]Meanwhiles[/url]