[color=f26522][h3]Gregory Irving[/h3][hr][hr][/color] He supposed he was fortunate in a manner. Unlike Brent who had to head off in his own for some time from the rest of the support group, his position was pretty much along the way the offensive supporters had to take. Ducking out of the group when he was close enough without a word, he stepped into the movie theater as quietly as he could and looked around at the lobby. It wasn’t exactly a pretty sight. While not torn apart and warzone-like, he could see it hadn’t gone missed by the clockworks and paled a bit at the sight of red streaks marring the marble tiles. Yeah, he didn’t want to spend a lot of time here. Investigating for survivors wasn’t his task anyways, and he didn’t want to go wandering about in the building by himself anyways. Get to the rooftop as quickly and quietly as he could, and maybe there would be something he might be able to do. Probably not though. Tiptoeing his way up the stairs, Gregory couldn’t help but look around constantly. Some lights had all been destroyed, while others flickered and lent the building an ominous atmosphere. If only he had Brent’s power and a hearing aid. Maybe he’d be able to hear more than the hammering of his heart. Fingers drummed against the side of the pepper spray can while he flicked out and then collapsed the baton in his other. Thankfully nothing jumped him as he ascended to the theater’s rooftop, and Gregory peeked out to make sure that was also clear. The flyers off in the distance made him a bit wary to step outside immediately though and he stepped away from the doorway to glance back down the stairs. There were windows down below that’d give him just as good a view of the area, but did he really want to poke around and just hope he didn’t run into a construct that decided to hang around? On the other hand, he also didn’t really want to be out in the open rooftop where the flyers would be able to spot him pretty handily and chase him down. Hm… it took a few moments before Gregory decided to tie up an escape rope at the rooftop before exploring the floor beneath. At least that way he had something to bolt towards other than the ground entrance if he did run into something hostile. Leaving the bundle coiled up so nothing on the ground came to investigate the dangling rope, he made his way back down the stairs.