[b][center]A collaboration post between BlackSam and Andromedai[/center][/b] A soft, gentle chime would come from Aviza's data-pad, repeating itself three times as its screen quickly illuminated once more. [color=ed1c24]"The time is currently [02:00] - You have been awake for three days with little rest, sleep is highly recommended."[/color] The electronic voice of Aviza's simple V.I. known as Nikoli, which was built into her data-pad, broke her train of thought. Glancing down at her data-pad, it indeed did say that the time was [02:00] She had been so lost in thought while wandering the streets that she had completely failed to notice the heavy fatigue that was setting in. [color=ed1c24]"If you continue for two blocks down the street you are currently on, you will find a hotel on the left side of the road. From what information I can gather about it, there should be a room suitable to your needs available for the night."[/color] Aviza kept quiet for the time being, following the advice Nikoli had given her, hoping that his information would prove correct, not that it had ever been anything but. After a few short moments, Aviza found herself standing in front of the large ultra-modern hotel, opening its front doors and stepping inside. She was almost immediately called upon from a well taken care of and polished human male that stood behind a wood and marble counter to her left. "Evening ma'am, I take it you will be rooming with us tonight?" the man turned to a computer monitor to his right and waited for Aviza to respond. [color=0072bc]"If you can accommodate a Turian, then yes."[/color] She stepped forward and leaned lightly against the countertop, watching the human enter information into the computer. "I just need your name and a payment source, then I will give you the card to your room." Aviza nodded her head and handed the man a credit chip. [color=0072bc]"The name is Aviza Norea, now if you wouldn’t mind, I would like to get some much needed rest."[/color] The human quickly checked over the information and nodded his head before handing Aviza a card to room [T4278] which was quickly taken from the man’s hand. After leaving the hotel lobby, Aviza found an elevator and made her way to the fifth floor where her room was. Inserting the card into the door, it quickly opened to a large comfortable room where she would have no trouble sleeping. Shutting the door behind her and locking it, Aviza removed the weapons from her armor an tossed herself onto the top of the bed, letting her body relax. Reaching for the remote next to her, she turned on the television and found something mindless to watch before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. For a while, she was allowed to rest, though this did not last long, for her data-pad on her armor started to chime once more, though much louder than before. Groaning, Aviza lifted her left arm above her face and pressed down against the data-pads screen that was built into it. Suddenly, live video footage of her friend Solares would appear on the screen. "Sorry Aviza, did I wake you up? I can't tell what time it is up here." Aviza would yawn with a shrug, [color=0072bc]"It's alright, I hope you are doing ok up there? What was the meeting about?"[/color] Solares glanced around her then seemed to lean forward at whatever screen she was standing in front of. "Everything up here is good for the most part, just random daily events that I seem to have to take care of every now and then. Ah, I almost forgot to ask, did you ever hear back from that Turian? What is his name, Aegon Partinax." Aviza shook her head, [color=0072bc]"No, not yet, I will try again in a couple days if I don't hear back from him soon."[/color] Solares seemed bothered about this and was in deep thought for a moment, bringing her right hand up below her chin. "Wasn’t there another person helping him lead the team? Wait, there is, I remember now, his name is Jake Anderson, a human like myself. Try forwarding him the message and explain what has happened so far. I have a feeling you will get approved to join the team if you try sending a message to him as well." Aviza nodded her head once more, sitting up upon the bed and moving to the side of it to look out the window next to her. [color=0072bc]"Alright I will do that, thank you for the advice."[/color] Solares nodded her head back at Aviza then spoke once more, "Oh crap, I have to go now, let me know how everything turns out Aviza!" With that, the video was cut. Reaching to her Data-Pad, Aviza was about to send the same message she had sent to Aegon, when Nikoli quickly spoke up with good news. "I have already sent the message for you Aviza, you should try and get some more rest but be ready to move out at a moment's notice." That sounded like a good idea to her, so Aviza laid back against the bed once more and closed her eyes. [U][B][Staff Lieutenant Jake Anderson][/B][/U] The blaring alarm of Anderson's omni-tool dragged him rudely back into the world of the living. He groaned in annoyance, half hoping that if he just ignored the damn thing then it would stop. His bedroom was still in pitch black, and that meant that it wasn't even dawn yet. No way he was getting up yet, especially considering the head he had on him. He still didn't know what he'd been drinking at Aegon's the night before, but whatever it was, it left a man with the kind of hangover that convinces you that, yes, Hell must be a real place, and apparently it operated a winery. Try as he might though, he just couldn't block out that damn chiming. He swore long and inventively, realising that he wasn't getting back to sleep until he dealt with whatever this was. Somebody better be dead, or at the very least arrested. [color=steelblue]"Lights."[/color] He grunted, the automatic fixtures instantly throwing the room into sharp relief. Far too sharp for his hangover, as the damn things near blinded him, eliciting a hiss of protest from the addled N7. [color=steelblue]"Dimmer!"[/color] came his command. [u][b][Aviza Norea][/b][/u] Within seconds, or at least that is what it felt like, the message came back from Jake Anderson, apparently he had used his pull to swiftly and quite impressively get her application approved to join the team. Aviza almost fell out of the bed while grabbing onto the weapons next to her. In the blink of an eye, she was out the door to her hotel room and heading downstairs to meet with the rest of her team. While sprinting through the lobby, the same male human from before stopped her and asked where she was headed. Aviza made her way over to him and dropped off the card she had been given and informed him that she no longer needed the room, but would still accept the charges due to the fact she had used the room for a short while. The human nodded his head and handed her back the small credit chip that still had quite a few credits upon it. Once outside of the hotel, Aviza interacted with her data-pad and used it to get into contact with Jake Anderson via voice chat. When the line was connected, she introduced herself the best she could via the chat and informed him that she was on her way to the meeting point. [color=0072bc]“Good morning Mr. Anderson, this is Aviza Norea, the Turian that you recently helped get approved to join yours and Partinax's team. I will arrive at the meeting point shortly to board the shuttle and to introduce myself to everyone else. Please ensure the shuttle will not depart without me, I have a distance to yet travel but I should arrive in time. I also wanted to thank you for helping me with my acceptance into said team, I know I will be a valued member who will earn my place amongst the rest though my actions."[/color] [U][B][Staff Lieutenant Jake Anderson][/B][/U] [color=steelblue]"Is somebody dead?"[/color] Came Jake's bleary reply, his voice equal parts raspy, as if he'd been shouting a lot recently, and sluggish, not surprising considering the time. [u][b][Aviza Norea][/b][/u] There would be a short moment of uncomfortable silence before Aviza would speak once more, though this time in a less cheery voice. [color=0072bc]"Uh... no, not to my knowledge? I realize that it is most likely very early where you are currently at and that I may have abruptly woken you. I would like to apologize for that but I was under the assumption that you would be awake and either at or heading to the meeting point."[/color] Aviza glanced down at her data-pad to check the time once more, it was [03:00] apparently, she had gotten some sleep, though not nearly enough that she needed. There was no reply, Aviza took this as a sign for her to end the call and continue on her way to the meeting point, walking quickly through the early morning streets of London. After a few moments of what felt like an hour of power walking, Aviza closed in on her destination, Nikoli suddenly informed her that there would most likely be others waiting at the meeting point as well. The V.I. was correct, there were others at the meeting point, and from the looks of it, the team was made up quite a collection of colorful individuals. Walking up to the group, Aviza gave them a slight wave of her right hand then crossed her arms over her chest. [color=0072bc]"You all must be Spectre Aegon Partinax and Staff Lieutenant Jake Anderson's team, am I correct?"[/color] asked Aviza from behind the helmet that hid the features of her face. Of course she was, they were at the meeting point, who else would they be? [color=0072bc]"I am Aviza Norea, a combat medic with Havoc training as well as knowledge in engineering. I am the newest addition to the team and will be working closely with each and every one of you. Now, are either Partinax or Anderson currently present?"[/color] At this time, she did her best to ignore the forklift crew.