[hider=New Challenger Approaches!] Name: Rindheart Jolnor Age: 36 Height/Weight: 5 feet 6 inches and about 190 pounds Personality A rather hardened individual, Rindheart is a bit crusty. He talks roughly, doesn't care overly much for pleasantries, and generally appears to not like anybody. If you can keep up with his rough ways you'll find him somewhat likable, much in the way that being watching someone insult someone else is better than being insulted. [hider=Appearance][img]https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.RGMwMjv_ICVQbHdvRh_Q_wEAEs&pid=15.1[/img][/hider] Equipment -Mix of steel and leather armor as pictured -Wooden Bucker with metal rim -Bag O Metal. It's a bag of metal that Rindheart keeps around for utility, it's about the size of a watermelon. -Wooden Staff Magic Rindheart has a good control over the earth. He can control earth within around 10 meters of himself, his control weakening the further away it gets. He is fairly powerful at closer range, able be to raise or lower towershield sized segments of earth within two seconds at close ranges. Control is easier if he makes a motion that mimics the one he's causing, than he can move earth without motions its significantly weaker. Metal Magic: Rindheart has a equally potent, but much shorter in range, control of metal. It extends just barely past his armor, making it effectively touch range. This can be used to help deflect metal weaponry, but not repulse it entirely. He can however, send metal he's holding outwards with force approximately equal to a crossbow. Abilities Physique: Rindheart has been through a significant amount of battles and lived through all of them. He's rather strong and has in particular a remarkable amount of endurance, able to take minor wounds like candies. Battle Sense: Rindheart's experience with battle gives him a natural sense of flow for combat and makes him quite crafty when looking for a way to win. His mind is quicker than his body and can make split-second decisions while factoring in everything to make the best move. Nothing supernatural, but something a young blood wouldn't have. Weapon Expertise: Rindheart can use a great deal of weapons with a high level of proficiency and even create his own makeshift weapons to serve for the situation at hand. Experience level: Low [/hider]