Very D&Dish. And I didnt mean to force you to write more by talking about Loki, I just assumed that it was a generic Norse Loki that my character could play off of until he got back to his realm. Also, regarding my next post, I'm working on it but I'm at work and then gotta pick up my brother from school so it might be a few hours till I can post. but I am trying to read everyone else's posts in the meantime. EDIT: actually i have half an hour before i have to go back to work, so im gonna post now. EDIT 2: Ok I posted. And dont worry too much about The Infamous' backstory. its not gonna conflict with anything. the gods and hell realms is from another universe, not the one you made. and he doesnt plan on doing anything to Max or Loki. he just wants to talk [@aspie3000]