So here is my addition to the crew ^^ if there is anything wrong with it, i'd gladly take all advice to heart. [hider=My Character] [color=a187be]Name[/color]: Phoebe Norah [color=a187be]Alias[/color]: None [color=a187be]Age[/color]: 17 [color=a187be]Gender[/color]: Female [color=a187be]Appearance[/color]: [center][img][/img][/center] [hider=More appearance pictures] [center][img][/img][/center] Art by koyoriin on deviantart [/hider] [color=a187be]Personality[/color]: Phoebe is a hot-headed girl who thinks with her heart. She takes pride in her skills and doesn’t skip an opportunity to brag about it. She tends to judge people at first sight and is very stubborn in her ways. Teasing people is more usual to her than a simple greeting and she always has something to say. Despite being more obnoxious then a non-stop crying baby, she is compassionate and caring. Her attitude is always bright and uplifting, only the direst of situations could bring her spirit down. It is in her nature to help people around her, even though she acts lazy most of the time. If an innocent person was in danger, she would not hesitate to jump in action, even if it would hurt her. This is not to mistake her lack of fear for death; in fact she is terrified of it. But that is precisely why she tries to save as many people as she can, to save them from that fate. Her hobbies are mostly forms of art. She loves to draw, play instruments (mostly piano), and occasionally perform on stage, both acting and singing. Although she might not be very good at any of them, she still enjoys it to the fullest. She also doesn’t know how to swim, which gives her an automatic fear of large bodies of water. [color=a187be]Biography[/color]: For as long as she can remember, Phoebe has lived with her step-parents. She never knew her real parents and had accepted that. Despite not knowing her real parents, Phoebe was happy, she had a family and friends who cared for each other and she was barely afraid of anything. At the age of 16 she passed high school and went to college to become a professional artist. About half a year later, when she turned 17, the Breach appeared. Minutes later, the room she was in collapsed, knocking her unconscious for the rest of the day and when she finally awoke, she heard the message. “There are others like you. They will come for you. Eliminate the competition if you want to survive.” [color=a187be]Super Powers[/color]: To be added [/hider]