Also, this whole thing will probably start in Texas, on the way to Louisiana from California. I'm thinking the club came to be in La Mesa, CA (San Diego County) where there was a post-WWII boom that tended to fuel the rise of these biker clubs. It's close to some Marine and Navy bases. Since our backstory involves the Alpha finding out who he is in Vietnam and starting his pack there, it definitely has some bearing on some character backstories, but it's mostly driven by picking a good location. Edit: Due to the change in the location, we also changed this from an Air Cav backstory in Vietnam to a Marine one. Minimal changes, but it makes more sense since we set their home in San Diego county, which would explain lots of Marines returning from Vietnam joining the club. Further Edit: Inkarnate and I were talking and I realized that the 'bite' needs explaining. Odds are, the Alpha bites whomever the club thinks has the right stuff to join and seems like they really want to join. Then they dump them off in a dangerous situation and see if they survive on their own. A dump off in the desert, maybe leaving them stranded to deal with a rival gang or some other supernatural threat makes sense. Feel free to be creative. However they survive, wits or grit, they are deemed worthy. If they survive the situation they are put into and a couple weeks after, the Club hunts them down. By this time, odds are, they're on the run, but hey, wolfpack. Hunters. Once they're caught, they're inducted. Odds are, the places that you'd meet the club are at concerts (lots of those), parties (again, lots in California 1969), selling them drugs, buying drugs from them, or if you are in any way involved in the buying, selling, painting or repair of motorbikes.