Okay, I think you all need to chill out for a little bit and think. Luna, I never EVER mentioned opening fire on you. Do not control my characters- that is widely regarded as bad among roleplaying. Both you and oOVOo are making this mistake with him assuming that you'd do something. Even if you can predict exactly what i write, that's no excuse to release a post that is commanding someone else's units. Now there's this idea of 500 scouts attacking a 1000-strong world defense fleet, so let's think about this for a moment. What is a scout? They are lightly armed, lightly armored, designed to collect data and do little nore than that. Whyever would a force of 500 spyships go picking a fight with an actual fleet? Moreover, that fleet is SCREWED if an attacking force half as much as your defenders' numbers of weak scout ships managed to do so much damage. I dunno about you guys, but one of my droneships- not even close to a carrier- could take out well over a couple dozen JAF scout ships. Scouts aren't meant to brawl, actual warships are. And no one assume what my people do. If you're not sure, then actually read my posts.