Sorry all, but I think I have to withdraw from the RP. Exams are closing in and they are more time consuming than I anticipated, as you've probably noticed by my reduced presencse last couple of days. I decided to reduce my amount of RPs for this reason, and since this RP is highly active (with a post almost every day and sometimes even more), I noticed last few days already I am having trouble keeping up with it. So I will hope to see you guys another time, but for now I really need to consider what is realistic if I want to pass. I really enjoyed my time here so far, especially the discussions in discord about special moves and stuff alike. I hope you guys still have a fun time and remember: [hider=When you have a setback in life...] [img],750x1000,075,t,dd2121:8219e99865.u2.jpg[/img] Too bad it doesn't work that way with exams ;_; [/hider]