[@Gordian Nought], of you I ask that you input the numbers into the "Save" section for all your ability scores, your attack and damage for each weapon, and then under "Features and Traits", describe all elements of your race such as resistances, subrace, background and class in addition to any other benefits or penalties - such as the half plate. Other than this, please feel to elaborate on Wick's person, characterization, history and just how much she knows of her life before, if at all, and that the aasimar of the realm are essentially the last "embodiments" of the Kingdom of Light in the world. Not all believe this, not even some aasimar themselves, but the characters of the party know this true as well because they themselves are examples of the light. Spiritual and physical rebirth, such as hers, is actually plausible and would mesh well with the plot, so feel free to retain that. For [@JBRam2002], you are missing but one save, but other than that her character is accepted once you add more to her background. Tabaxi are odd folk, usually aloof to the sense of greater cosmic forces at work; it isn't that they have no idea, the contrary really, but that the majority of these rare creatures view it with the perspective of, [i]"It is beyond my individual means to change."[/i] and go with life's changes as they come. However, for Katia she is aware that she and her cohorts can, and now have, forever altered fate. If anything I think the notion will reinforce her character ideal more; she and her group [i]can[/i] what is to come. Beyond those suggestions to add a bit more information, she is complete. For the both of you, once finalized, do contact me in messages so I can pose your questions and review the characters one last time.