What the fuck. It was a lucky break that Maxi was in the med bay; after cooling down a little bit, he chose to head back up to the med bay. Everything he had already cleaned, true, but new shipments of supplies had come in and he had to organize and put them away. The guy just couldn’t catch a break. He was humming to himself as he sorted plastic jars, his bot floating behind him with a few more objects resting on its top. He didn’t see why he shouldn’t use his medical robot as a floating counter. Whatever got things done faster. And then the explosion hit. Perhaps if he had been using his powers, he could have foreseen this incident, or simply found a place to hide- but alas, he was not. The blast shook the room, and he dropped the armful of jars he was carrying and hit the floor with a crash. The whole room was shaking, drawers rattling so hard he was sure they’d come off their hinges and crush him and jars he had left on the counter being thrown off onto the ground. He was tense, kept his head to his chest, and only dared to look up once the discord of the explosion died down enough for him to feel safe. He got up from the rubble with shaky limbs, steadying himself on a still intact counter. He shook his head to clear his mind and assess the damage. Most structures were okay- the beds were shaken but usable, and only one cupboard came off it’s hinges. A chunk, but not all of the supplies were broken, and amongst them there were some solids he could salvage. Overall, not the worst outcome for an explosion. He frowned, looking out the door and into the hallway. Hopefully someone could give him some answers. Maxi heard Stryker call for him before he saw him. He internally wanted to stick his tongue out and go back in his room, but stopped himself when SAL entered his line of sight with an injured crewmate. Someone he barely knew, only saw once or twice around the ship. He didn’t have a grudge against them, so he sighed and opened the door for SAL to bring her in. He gestured for his own bot to start a scan as he led SAL to put her on the most stable bed in the room. The robot left the room, and his own medbot beeped out a diagnosis and the location of the injury. Hit head, probable concussion, low chance of something being broken. Nothing serious. He snagged an ice pack and gently pressed it to the location of the head injury. She’d need some rest, some painkillers, and maybe something else if she wanted to heal quicker, but be fine nonetheless. SAL entered the room again just as he finished up the first step with his patient, and he made eye contact with the bot. “Yo, what the fuck happened?”