[color=00a651][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S H I N D O "F L A S H F O R W A R D" T S U B A S A[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][/COLOR] [hr][sup]City W[/sup] [@Archmage MC][@Cherrywitch] Flash Forward sighed as he collapsed back on the ground, his legs sprawled forward and he was using his hands to support him. His stomach grumbled again. Did he expend all of his energy in the duration of the fight? Seriously? Or was it because of the extra energy he needed to use to heal the burns on his feet? He felt like the healing process was going on nicely so an ambulance might not be needed anymore, but he couldn't be too sure. And they'd give him food there. Lots of 'em. He closed his eyes for a moment. After eating, he'd definitely sleep. He didn't even want to go to school tomorrow anymore. [color=00a651]"Oh shoot, I still have some homework to do..."[/color] He muttered to himself, internally groaning at his luck. Maybe he should drop out of school entirely and make this hero thing a full time gig. He was earning enough money as a B-Class hero to support his family and pay for his yearly tuition fee. He also gets a lot of free food from HQ when he comes back so he could regenerate the less fatal injuries instead of wasting medicine on him. He opened his eyes to look up at Light as she offered to make a barbecue out of the giant monster's flesh. He raised his eyebrows at that. While he does know that meat is still meat and that is not exactly human meat, Flash Forward found it rather odd that she is considering eating an enemy they had just defeated. Then again, he was no longer alive and no longer had any use to them. [color=00a651]"Sure, if you can finish it by the time the ambulances arrive, why not?"[/color] At least it'll give him some food to eat. [color=00aeef][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]H I M E K O "L I G H T N I N G P R I N C E S S" H A R U S A S H I[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][/color] [hr][sup]City A - HQ[/sup] [@Animal][@FallenTrinity] Himeko was stunned by the Guardian's leap towards the man, seizing him immediately. So she simply stepped backwards knowing that the man could handle this pathetic scum. Shredder suffered through the high voltage Guardian had released. His mouth tugged upwards, showing a ghost of a smile. A smile that should not be seen on the face of a hero. Though this only lasted for a fraction of a second. In what looks like one last act of defiance, Shredder shot out a sharp tooth towards her. She tilted her head to the side and the tooth missed its mark completely and embedded itself on the wall. [color=00aeef]"Nice try Shredder."[/color] She muttered as Shredder fell into the realm of unconsciousness. When the medical team came in to take him away, she seriously considered on giving him another shock as her part of revenge, but she held herself back. [color=00aeef][i]Reign in the anger, Hime, there's only so much they will let slide.[/i][/color] Himeko placed a hand on her chair and let out a sigh. [color=00aeef]"To think that such a high-ranking hero could do something like this."[/color] She mumbled rather audibly. A spy so high up in the ranks, were they getting too lenient in their screening or were they just getting that good in acting? How many heroes were connected to this Monster Association? And considering how much an S-Class hero knows about the plans of the Heroes Association, how much does the enemy know about them? Her mind began swirling with questions and suspicions, none of which she seemed intent on voicing out. As everyone was dismissed and many have gone out, her eyes turned to the Director. [color=00aeef]"Sir, what are we going to do about this?"[/color] She could go covert at City Z again, but... but it's possible that they already know her face thanks to Mr. Rat over there. Perhaps that was why she was cornered by that monster group before?