[@Ruby] You said old continuity, but not exactly what time so I didn't put any bat-girl stuff. Seeing as [@Dblade26] isn't making Damian a robin I'll probably stick with that. Still a bit of a WIP. [hider=Stephanie Brown] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/09/bb/74/09bb745ad0911f68358c6db09e34d16d.jpg [/img] [h3][color=DDA0DD]Stephanie Brown[/color][/h3][color=DDA0DD][i][sub] “I always thought the worst part of this job was the creeps trying to kill you, not me trying to kill myself." [/sub][/i][/color][/center] [color=DDA0DD]Name:[/color] Stephanie Brown [color=DDA0DD]Alias(es):[/color] Spoiler/Robin(formerly) [color=DDA0DD]Age:[/color]16 [color=DDA0DD]Appearance:[/color] [center][img]http://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/Batgirl-Stephanie-Brown-DC-Comics-j.jpg [/img][/center] Stephanie is pretty, but not in any unique way. She has blond hair, blue eyes and a rather normal face. Her physique only stands out because of her fitness from vigilante work and training, otherwise she stands at a respectably average 5’5. The only really unique feature she has are the scars remaining from Black Face’s torture, most conveniently placed on her back and pretty much always hidden by clothing. [color=DDA0DD]Biography:[/color] For the most part Stephanie Brown was raised by her mother, as her father spend most of her childhood in prison. Her younger years where rather normal for someone who would become a vigilante and while home life was never idyllic, she wasn’t terribly unhappy; until her father left prison for what he vowed would be the last time. Eventually Stephanie would discover he was in fact still working with the organized crime in Gotham under the alias ‘Cluemaster’. The discovery enraged Stephanie enough to steal his plans and create a persona, ‘Spoiler’ who left hints to Cluemaster’s plan around Gotham for Batman to find. The then Robin, discovered her true identity and convinced her to aid himself and Batman more directly. Home life didn’t improve much for Stephanie, even with her father in prison. When the news that Cluemaster had escaped, Spoiler emerged again, only to stumble upon Robin who was also looking for her father. Just as the two teamed up Stephanie was kidnapped by the Gully Carson Gang; offered as ‘insurance’ by Cluemaster that the gang would get their cut. After being rescued by Batman and Robin and once again sorting out her father, Stephanie decided to become a full-fledged vigilante. She enjoyed the thrill and spending time with Robin, whose identity remained a mystery, even after they began a rather tumultuous relationship. Stephanie discovered she was pregnant from an ex-boyfriend who had recently skipped town. Spoiler retired for a time, but her relationship with Robin continued throughout the pregnancy and after she gave the baby girl up for adoption. Batman, seeing Spoiler wasn’t going to leave anytime soon, offered Stephanie the opportunity to train with himself, The Birds of Prey, and Batgirl. Thinking Robin was missing, Batman also told her his real name; Tim Drake. It wasn’t long however until Batman decided Stephanie wasn’t cut out to be a hero, and her training stopped. For a period, Stephanie seriously reconsidered living as a vigilante; until hearing about her father’s death in a suicide squad mission. The news sent Spoiler out on a solo crime-fighting rampage, where she sought out all the criminals her father had ever worker with, not to even hurt them, but to get a better idea as to who her father had been. After her crime-fighting spree, Stephanie decided to continue her ‘night work’, and helped alongside Robin until Tim Drake was forced to hang up his cape. Stephanie, looking to comfort him went to his school to see one of his classmates kissing him. Furious, she ceased all contact with him and spent 3 days locked in her room to make her own Robin uniform. Batman, finding the ill-equipped Stephanie in his bat cave agreed to take her on as the new Robin, so long as she followed his orders to the letter. For close to two months the new ‘girl wonder’ trained harder than ever before, going out with batman with increasing frequency and developing a more comfortable relationship. She preformed quite well as Robin, and thought she was actually close to passing her probation until she tried to save a blinded Batman, after he had directly ordered her to stay put. In her mind, Stephanie had done it to save his life but it was a blunder that led to their target escaping. She was promptly fired by Batman for a second time, told to wipe her files from the batcave computers and go home and not return and either Robin or Spoiler. This time Stephanie didn’t doubt herself, and instead became furious. In a desperate attempt to prove herself she stole Batman’s plans to rid Gotham’s organized crime completely and enacted them. Unfortunately, she did not account that the plan hinged on one of Batman’s other identities and unintentionally began a city-wide gang war. She was captured by Black Mask as the city raged, and was tortured for information on Batman’s informants. Suffering severe injuries including a gunshot wound she manages to get to Thompkins’s Clinic, and to the knowledge of all who knew her, died there hours later. In reality, her death was staged; she spent a year in Africa, volunteering alongside Leslie Thompkins. Upon her return to Gotham she re-claimed the identity of Spoiler, and did some work for the penguin, ultimately setting him up for failure. All without notifying any of her former friends/accomplices. The purple outfit didn’t stay secret for long, and after some misguided attempt to aid Robin, she reveals herself to be alive and well. Batman apparently knew the entire time she was still alive, but was alright with her returning to hero work, agreeing that she now understood it wasn’t just a game. [color=DDA0DD]Skills:[/color] [list] [*] [i]Physical Training:[/i] Stephanie’s had training from Birds of Prey and the Batfamily. She’s learned acrobatics as well as improved her physical strength well beyond what could be considered normal for a teenage girl. [*] [i]Stealth:[/i] Stephanie didn’t start real training until after already spending time as Spoiler. In the beginning her main method of not getting hurt was to just avoid fights and, that failing, get out of them as soon as she could. [*] [i]Programing/Hacking:[/i]Oracle has, somewhat begrudgingly taught Stephanie a good deal about computers. She’s no Tim Drake or Batman, but can make her way through basic security systems. [*] [i]Combat Training:[/i] More training form Batman/Birds of Prey. Stephanie has proven herself capable of holding her own against some of Gotham’s worst criminals; including beating down black mask after hours of torture. [*] [i]Tools/Weapons Training:[/i] Another method to avoiding/escaping tight situations before being trained in proper combat. She is a reliable thrower with batarangs and such, but no longer having contact with the family she doesn't usually have many laying around. [/list] [color=DDA0DD]Other:[/color] Pretty rocky relationship with most of Batfamily, due to stealing plans, starting a gang war, and lying about her own death. Individual relationships TBD. [/hider] Edit1: Typo fix#1.