Maria's smile broadened as she took the bait. "Dubai has been made part of the Arabian Empire. As such they are currently the target of a NUA invasion, their bitter enemy. I've been hiding in a bunker a little ways from here. Let's go there until the fighting dies down. Don't worry. The allied forces will not be able to harm us." He turned around to begin walking back towards the bunker, nodding for her to follow him. He could take him by force if he had to, but it was far to risky to do so at the moment when it was possible to do things the easy way. Once inside the bunker and the doors were locked he could probably knock her out pretty easily and check to make sure that his target was a male. If not then he might as well just kill her and be done with it. ____________________ Sienna nodded at Lilly's question. "Our ship is on it's way to Dubai as we speak. I'm going to go up and get some fresh air before we get in to close." She strolled out the door, making her way onto the deck, which put her face to face with a pair of twins who were heading her way. Odd. She would have remembered someone like them onboard. How did they get here?! She quickly raised her sub-machinegun at them. "Halt! Who goes there?!" She shouted, nervous of this being an enemy ambush. A couple more women stormed up behind her and also raised their weapons.