[@Kratesis] But we cant abandon all self determination just for the sake of easy labelling. Ben Shapiro is in no way alt-right. He never was. There is no 'distancing' himself from the label, he has never shared a pepe meme or endorsed trump. If the only claim to being alt-right is that hes relatively young and right wing then every republican under 35 is alt right, which simply isn't true. We determine people based on their ideologies, actions and self determinations. Anyone who says that Obama isnt left wing (or at least left of center) or stalin isnt a communist is misinformed or a conspiracy theorist, there is very little debate to be had there. Milo isnt Alt-right, the alt right say he isnt alt right, He says he isnt Alt-Right and he fits little to none of the criteria of the alt right. He was associated with the Alt Right during the presidential election but that's not the same as buying into the full ideology. Alt right was coined and created by Richard Spencer, its his label, and he and his people gets to decide what the ideology entails. The Hippie argument is essentially an example of broad stereotyping. In the same way you might think someone is 'culturally' jewish because the eat bagels and talk in a nasally east coast accent. I can put a biker jacket with a 1% patch but I'm not a member of the Hells Angels until the Hells Angels say I am. The no true scotsman only applies when the parties involved are claiming to be the true scotsman. Just out of interest, what would you say being 'alt right' entails? I mean Milo flirts close-ish with them (or he did before). But Ben Shapiro is so standard conservative I honestly dont know how you tie him to the movement at all. He's a Ted Cruz supporter.