[quote=@Er0r] [hider=a harmless young maiden][CENTER][color=ff0080][APPEARANCE][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RJWJF14.jpg[/img][/CENTER][hr][b][color=ff0080][NAME][/color][/b] [indent]Mercy Mable[/indent] [b][color=ff0080][GENDER][/color][/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b][color=ff0080][AGE][/color][/b] [indent]16[/indent] [b][color=ff0080][BIO/SUMMARY][/color][/b] [indent]Mercy could be described by many, a devil of a little girl. Though in no way evil, her social interactions are down right sinister. She finds joy in watching others breakdown, and will do what she can to make others seem like the fool. The world is a playground of pawns simply for her amusement. However, she does respect people for what they are. As much of a control freak she likes to be, Mercy gives her victims all the free-will in the world; she only changes the circumstance. Mercy lives off of one narcissistic high to another. When she isn't reveling in her own superiority, she's usually plotting how to make the others look foolish by contrast. Sometimes rushing her ideas along to get in the quick jab at her comrade. Usually when this happens, though not the only time, she can easily fall victim to her own joke. When the tables are turned, Mercy's high plummets to an all-time low. This doesn't usually affect her professionally, but socially she becomes very quiet as she tries to live down the embarrassment she has fallen prey to. [/indent] [b][color=ff0080][VESSEL][/color][/b] [indent][color=ff0080]Zapretit[/color] - Mercy's vessel, Zapretit, takes the form of a long black ribbon wrapped around her left leg while dormant. It is silky smooth to the touch; though, really, what you be doing touching a young maiden's legs? ಠ_ಠ Once active, it takes the form similar to that of a medium sized black khakkhara, or monk's staff. Though at the end of the rod, a small impression is made that allows for easy activation of Mercy's abilities.[/indent] [b][color=ff0080][ABILITIES][/color][/b] [indent][color=ff0080]Taboo Tattoo[/color] - With the aid of Zapretit, Mercy is able to mark a single opponent with a black, itchy mark that isn't able to be removed. Every time Mercy speaks, she adds one word next in the alphabet to a list of words that those marked cannot say. If Mercy reaches the end of the alphabet, falls unconscious, marks another, or cancels the mark; the mark disappears and those previously marked are forever immune. Breaking of the taboo results in a demonic flame to consume the person that strips away any and all defense and mentally burns the victim, hindering their movement. [color=ff0080]Ghostly Graffiti[/color] - Like wise, Mercy is able to mark any non-living object. Objects marked pass through Mercy whenever contact would be made (and vice-versa). Only one non-living object can be marked at a time, however, marks can reappear on objects applied to previously.[/indent] [b][color=ff0080][EQUIPMENT][/color][/b] [indent]Cat ears, [u][i]Unabashed Maiden, An[/i][/u][/indent] [b][color=ff0080][OTHERS][/color][/b] [indent]Trivia/Other: Anything that the above sections may not have covered. This section is optional, you don't have to include it if there's nothing else you want to add.[/indent][/hider] Ight, I'mma do this for now. Feel free to ransack it for all it's flaws and general problems. This is more or less what I'm after, though I feel like I'm missing the tone of the rp. Honestly, I'm not sure if I can play the monster I created, but I love her so much. xD [/quote] Well, this character really needs a few clarifications. The first is, she's really a normal human, right? Because we aren't having non-human characters for this story, given that fantastic races are nearly inexistent on this world. Second, are those powers permanent? Because I'd like you to set a duration to them (and take away the conditions for targets to gain immunity to it), since they feel rather powerful the way they are now. Third, what's the range? Does she need to touch the targets o mark them or can she do it from afar? That should pretty much be it for now. The rest of the character is ok, though I advise you to not play a too much antagonistic character. That'll likely lead to more problems than any possible entertainment, for everyone. [quote=@Crimmy] [@Onarax] and I are probably interested in this shebang. [/quote] Oh, fine, that's good to hear. If you make up your mind just drop in. [quote=@Mag Lev] A bit of time and I'll have a sheet up. This certainly looks a good ol' time and I have always found your RPs a bit interesting, [@KoL]. [/quote] Take your time, we aren't moving until the weekend or so. Also, thanks for the compliment, I just like to do things that I'd want to see around here more often. Also, most of what I do these days is more or less inspired by things I got from this site over the time, especially from [@TheWindel]. Really, all I do is be the tape that unites it. Either way thanks again. [quote=@Leotamer] I am considering it, though if I don't join, it is probably because I am already in several other rps. [/quote] Oh, fine. We will be here if you decide to join in. Take your time to think. [quote=@Jabber] Definitely interesting. [/quote] Nice to hear. We'll wait your final say. [@TheWindel] [@Mega Birb] Are you beginning the lewd talk before the RP is even officially open? And you dare call me the pervert, heh! [quote=@DracoLunaris] [@KoL] I made a magical plague doctor girl. edit: one a scale of dumb to awesome where would adding a baseball bat as a third form lay? [hider=here to cure whatever plagues you] [center][color=FFC1B3]Appearance:[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/iRRVI7P.png[/img] [/center] [color=FFC1B3]Name:[/color] Althea “Beaky” Clemmons. Also responds to cries of "MEDIC!" [color=FFC1B3]Age:[/color] 15 [center][color=FFC1B3]Bio/Summary:[/color] [/center] War’s aren't just won by soldiers. Many an army has been felled before they even reach the enemy, struck down by that unseen foe of all humanity. Similarly if the people they are protecting are sick then there will be no supplies to help them carry on the fight. The Clemmons family is something more like an institution who have tasked themselves with thwarting those threats to the nation though the art of the medical sciences. The head of the family, Ambrosia Clemmons, often adopts orphans who have lost their parents to disease and funding the training of those who show promise. As a result these days it is rather common these days to find at least one Dr Clemmons in most hospitals. Althea is the daughter of Corvus Clemmons, who is one of those who were originally adopted. She had been going through training to become a doctor like her father when it was discovered she had magical talents. She continues her medicine studies and her magic is just as often turned to keeping everyone alive and fighting fit as it is to hurting their enemies. While she enjoys helping people she does perhaps get a little to much enjoyment on inflicting harm upon her foes using her magics. [center][color=FFC1B3]Vessel:[/color] [/center] When dormant her vessel is a small silver ring sitting on her right middle finger, when activated it becomes a gauntlet made of a silvery white metal covering that hand to the elbow, a gem set in the back of its palm with hazy lines of energy radiating out of it up her fingers when in use. The gem and lines glow softly in different colors depending on what type of magic she is channeling. [center][color=FFC1B3]Abilities:[/color] [/center] Her power works by creating round glass chemical filled flasks in the palm of her hand. The more potent the contents, the longer it takes to make. [color=green]Green magic:[/color] dangerous fluid creation, things like acids, flammable oils or more simply grease can all be contained in the vials produced by this magic to then be tossed at targets. [color=yellow]Yellow magic:[/color] these contain dangerous gases, tear, knockout, noxious, hallucinogenic etc. Create a small cloud when they shatter, enough to envelop a target. The more dangerous a gas the slower it spreads and the easier it is to escape. [color=red]Red magic:[/color] drinkable potions that can provide antidotes, medicines or most impotently speed recovery from injury. The target needs to be stable for healing to work properly, wounds that have been properly treated will fully recover in minutes rather than weeks. [color=cyan]Blue magic:[/color] beneficial gases that can provide stimulants, neutralizing agents, or smoke screens. [center][color=FFC1B3]Equipment:[/color] [/center] Her doctoring outfit is sealed tight against the elements and acts as an extremely rudimentary hazmat suit, keeping her safe-ish from harmful chemicals, gasses and pathogens. A small bag carrying various mundane herbs, bandages, surgical suture, poultices and other medical supplies that are used to patch up the wounded before magic healing can begin. A long knife used to fend off the baddies who get too close. [center][color=FFC1B3]Trivia/Other:[/color] [/center] She is one of the Academy’s best pitchers. Yes she knows how to make alcohol. Not you can’t drink it, it’s for medical purposes. Did you know that “Do no harm” isn’t actually part of the Hippocratic oath. [/hider] [/quote] Oh, an interesting choice of character we have here. Though, I have a few things to say about her as well, just to be sure. First, her abilities are quite alright but perhaps a bit too broad in scope. Maybe you could add some limitations, or trim the less important effects for the time being. Everyone will have opportunities to develop as the story progresses, there's no need to try to cover too much ground at this point. Well, regarding your question, I feel like it would be rather weird, at least at this point. But you don't need to drop the idea yet, like I said there's the possibility of evolving powers. I can clearly see that it could look interesting, the idea of delivering grenade like attack via batting. On an unrelated note, a character based around chemical attacks that get stronger with time, uh? That certainly is a source of nightmares to the people at a very different War. Those two lewd rabbits above know it all too well. Hehehe.