[hr][hr] [center][color=#B22221][h1]Alder James[/h1][/color] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/4aa106ba6d5a09541fd019deaca0e011/tumblr_nolyz3A7G71sg4aiio1_500.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Mia and Pias Pizzeria and Brewhouse. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Zoé Flores and Aron Brooks and some other guy[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] [color=#B22221]So. Fucking. Tired. Why did he keep doing this to himself? Why couldn't he ever let it sink into his thick head of his that he could not keep functioning on just a few hours of sleep? Sure if he had actually been doing his homework instead of putting it off like he had the last few weeks, that would have been an excuse enough. Even after coming to the parlor on his day off - in the middle of the night, no less - wasn't even an excuse. No, after returning back home, he could have just gone to bed and got in a solid six hours of sleep before having to open the bar the next day. But no. There were always distractions. Ky' vie had called him on Skype not two minutes after he got back home. With the time-zone difference between the two countries, she hadn't realized how late it was. But even after she apologized and requested that he went to bed, Alder simply could not pass an opportunity to talk with the woman he had desperately fallen in love with over the last few years. He reassured her that it was fine, ignoring the fact that he needed sleep, and instead spent those few hours talking and laughing with her. What was a few hours of missed sleep, anyway, when you were connecting? But now, as he trudged his tired ass into the front doors of the Pizzeria, eyes heavier than a sack of potatoes, Alder was starting to remind himself just how much of a moron he knew he really was. Not that he would ever regret talking to her. Hell no. She was always worth it - even if she had a boyfriend. Even if she had a boyfriend that wasn't him. God... he really needed to start thinking about his priorities. Yawning, Alder approached the main computer and clocked himself in, taking then a paper time-card to clock in there as well. Zoé was a rather effective woman who had been running the business for a while... and she was smart. If there were ever any computer issues, the paper time cards would work as a backup when it came time for payroll. Once clocked in, he rounded the main counter to grab himself a large coffee mug and poured himself a cup, adding a few packs of hot chocolate to the mix instead of any cream or sugar. Sipping on the hot mocha frappuccino, he dragged his tired ass back around the counter and headed over towards the bar. He was vaguely aware of Zoé and Aron talking to each other, but didn't even so much as give them a glance as he walked by, far too into his sleepy state to even say hello. They were used to it, by now. At least... he hoped they were. Coming around the corner, Alder used his free hand to release the lock on the inside of the bar door and allowed himself into what would be his own little "cage" for the next eight hours. He was just glad that they weren't open for another thirty minutes - that gave him plenty of time to stock the ice, turn on the TV's to ESPN, and a few other general duties that he needed to get done before serving any customers.[/color] [color=Peru]"'Bout time. I could really go for a Modelo right now."[/color] [color=#B22221]"We don't serve Modelo. We only serve what [i]we[/i] make." Alder replied, strictly by habit. It wasn't until a moment later that he realized that the parlor was still closed. There shouldn't be any customers. Setting his coffee down, Alder looked up at the man who had somehow entered the parlor without anyone knowing. Kicking people out of the bar was something Alder did on a normal basis, and was about to do so when he noticed that the man sitting opposite of him was about three times his size with a shaved head, covered in tattoos and wearing a tight "I'm going to kick your ass little man" wife beater. Alder blinked. Twice. Part of him wanted to believe that the guy looked a little familiar, but the other part was too tired, (or maybe even just a little bit intimidated) to think on it. "Uh... Zoé? Zoé did we open early today?" Alder called over to his boss, hoping that she could at least come over and diffuse the situation. She may have been smaller than him, but he had seen Zoé tear someone down to make them feel lower than dirt with a smile on her face and not a single curse word uttered. She could be downright terrifying. He was just glad that, if this guy really wasn't supposed to be in here, she would be on his side.[/color]