[quote=@Vordak] Adressing Worren the fire ninjer, afaik, the character sheet format is weapon/element/side element, meaning that the shuriken summoning and whatnot is a seperate category of special weapon abilities. [/quote] [quote=@Rilla] I'll address the full post when I get home, but Worren doesn't create the weapons. He summons them with hand signs and runes. Think Naruto ninja summon scrolls. [/quote] I still don't understand. I mean sure, he summoned the weapon. While it may not be earth magic, it still doesn't seem like fire magic. clearly utility powers are okay, but at which point have we gone too far with them? [quote=@Guru] I wanted to say, in reference to mentors and students fighting, Each Mentor will definitely take different approaches. We all have different styles and ways in which we do things. Honestly... no 2 people will probably be taught the same way. But, that is the way of the Arena. It is very diverse as far as perspectives go. [/quote] That works too. it's not just the new combatants, but their teacher's methods that are being tested! [quote=@Rilla] If you want. I can go over the sheet for you. This may be worth your while, as creating stories is a large part of what we do and there js a lot of fun to be had in creating your own, as well as being involved in the evolution of someone else's character. Competition is our lifeblood. Really. But we have learned to make our fights exciting. Me and Guru, for instance, have a story built up over years of interacting anf it's mainly still all competition between us, to try and have the top family. And it's the same in some respects for us all. Also, I am throwing my name in as. A participant. #cheatmode. Wait. Guru just informed me that I am not allowed. But I can mentor. [/quote] Oh you silly nilly, trying to pass as a contestant. But yes, rollplaying is all about interaction. While I haven't done the arena fight thing yet, impacting each other's characters and ongoing stories come with the territory. There's just no competitive element. Anyway, I'm kind of curious as to what you'd say about my character, and I'm sure it would be a good learning experience for everyone. So I'll just post her here. And yes, she's another glass cannon type. We don't really have enough of those. That last bit was sarcasm. There is some placeholder information in there, but it's more or less ready for your scrutiny. [hider=Aer Pacifica] [center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/d956ae127c9a7dbc9e67ef99526696d0/tumblr_opatszqDV31w6599so1_1280.png[/img][/center] ⛑ [color=Tomato]Name:[/color] Aer Pacifica (Alias) ⛑ [color=Tomato]Age:[/color] "Almost Twenty" ⛑ [color=Tomato]Height/Weight:[/color] 5 ft on the money/ 90 Lbs, but she'll never tell. ⛑ [color=Tomato]Personality:[/color] Aer is the pinnacle of obedience, tempered by a militaristic training regimen. She is stern and serious, and speaks few words. She is the ideal soldier...but only when her supirior's eyes are upon her. Aer loves to talk, make crude jokes, and let her wit fly even with complete strangers. She's almost always in high spirits, even in the face of danger. Such is the life of an adventurer, to face each challenge with the broad smile of determination. ⛑ [color=Tomato]Appearance:[/color] Aer isn't unlike most girls in that she likes to experiment with her hair. But in combat it's always tied back into a ponytail. Like most amber children (or blood elves, as the locals mockingly nicknamed them) She has naturally red hair and eyes. Her pointed ears are another defect of being an amber child, along with her small stature. Pacifica typically walks around more depressed areas in a plain brown cloak that hides her ears as well as her outlandish, eccentric uniform. In wealthier areas where it's more acceptable, Pacifica foregoes wearing her cloak and struts around in her uniform, which is worn by all woman who become Gillian battle mages. The outfit's most famous traits are it's unnaturally broad cuffs for the arms, as well as the tunic's long penguin tail. Less talked about openly are the thigh high socks. But Aer has taken the liability to customize it further with jewelry and ornaments. It's almost enough to cover up the patchwork. was her uniform pillaged? ⛑ [color=Tomato]Equipment:[/color] [color=Tomato]Jubilation Glaive:[/color] A sturdy glaive that is light weight, sturdy, and can act as a spell casting catalyst. Also enchanted. [color=Tomato]Gillian Battle mage Uniform:[/color] While it doesn't offer much physical defense, it is sewn with magical thread that resist extreme temperature change, as well as enchanted. [color=Tomato]Battle Caster Gloves:[/color] Snazzy black gloves. possesses the same properties as her uniform, but can also act as a catalyst for spells. [color=Tomato]Battle Caster Boots:[/color] Can walk even on lava, but one has to be careful not to sink! Has the same properties as her gloves. [color=Tomato]Cute Red Purse:[/color] A purse filled with small enchanted coins. Not for spending. [color=Tomato]Ugly Brown Purse:[/color] A purse filled with dirt. [i]"I've got a jar of dirt, and guess what's inside it?"[/i] [color=Tomato]Enchanted Jewelry:[/color] All of Aer's accessories are enchanted. [color=Tomato]Enchanted Ribbon:[/color] An enchanted ribbon Aer keeps in her shirt pocket. [color=Tomato]Bracer of return:[/color] Can teleport any piece of equipment back to a pre-determined place. The spear returns to Aer's right hand, and the rest of her equipment returns to wherever it was first stowed. (Her earnings return to her ears, shoes return to her feet, etc.) ⛑ [color=Tomato]Magic:[/color] Most of Aer's magic stems from "Molecular Manipulation." Particularly the ability to accelerate and decelerate molecules. By making molecules move faster, Aer causes things to [b]heat up[/b], and can even make molecules move fast enough that it rips apart the fabric of the atoms, creating an explosion. By slowing down molecules, Aer can cause an object to cool. Aer can apply these effects in the immediate vicinity around herself or any of her enchanted gear. From a catalyst, she can cast more traditional fire based skills. In layman's terms: Aer can heat, explode, and cool objects in the vicinity of her enchanted items, and can cast fire spells from her catalysts. The following are some examples of her magical capabilities: [color=Tomato]Thermostat:[/color] Aer can heat or cool her body, effectively nullifying the scorching heat of the sun, or the northern winds off an arctic tundra. Aer can perform in conditions most would find unbearable. [color=Tomato]Atomic Propulsion:[/color] By way of micro explosions, Aer can propel herself and enchanted objects with magic. This makes things like high jumps and far throws possible. Also, Aer can slow things down by using her power to fight thrust/inertia. [color=Tomato]Thermal Osmosis:[/color] Anything that comes in contact with Aer or one of her enchanted items can be heated or cooled. The effect is much stronger if the item is Aer herself or one of her catalysts. [color=Tomato]Thermal Shield:[/color] If Aer can anticipate it, attacks that rely on thermal energy (extreme heat or cold) can be greatly reduced due to Aer's ability to control temperature. [color=Tomato]Magma Slide:[/color] Provided the ground can be made molten, Aer can create a layer of magma and use it to skate with the grace of an ice skater. [color=Tomato]Fissure:[/color] Provided the ground can be made molten, Aer can split the earth with a heated strike. The air inside the crack heats up and rapidly leaves the Fissure, often bringing magma with it. [color=Tomato]Neutron star:[/color] The tip of Aer's glaive releases a fiery explosion, burning anything unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity. [color=Tomato]Aer's Candle:[/color] Aer can launch heat and fire out of the palm of her hand, thank to the catalyst property in her gloves. [color=Tomato]Heat vale:[/color] Aer can, flamelessly, heat the ground to the point it creates a vale of heat waves. It can be difficult to see through and obscure some shapes. [color=Tomato]Other spells:[/color] Aer has a power that she is constantly experimenting with. It does not have pre defined forms or uses. It is likely that there are many uses for her fire and heat magic that not even she is aware of. ⛑ [color=Tomato]Abilities:[/color] [color=Tomato]Rogue:[/color] Aer had very humble beginnings, and underhanded tactics were necessary to survive. Aer possesses all the tools of a thief, from knowing how to move undetected, slight of hand, agility, etc. [color=Tomato]Fearless:[/color] Everyone possesses fears, even Aer. But when you're Aer's size, you realize you can't always judge a book by its cover. Aer's soul yearns for adventure, and no opponent can intimidate her. [color=Tomato]Fan Girl:[/color] Aer loves to gossip about the heroes and villains of the world. Aer can recall famous figures and organisations, as well as the types of tactics and equipment they typically employ. [color=Tomato]Motor Mouth:[/color] Aer just loves talking, and can talk really fast. She is not always understood. [color=Tomato]Gillian Glaive Maiden:[/color] Aer took her training very seriously, and has become one with her glaive. She has two primary glaive styles. One is an offensive style where the glaive is held closer at the end. (like chinese whip-staff style, wushu) and a more defensive style where the glaive is held in the middle. (Like Korean Taekwondo) [color=Tomato]Enchanter:[/color] Aer can temporarily enchant objects by touching them with a catalyst or her skin, provided the object isn't living or touching a living thing that isn't Aer. Enchantments last approximately one minute. ⛑ [color=Tomato]History:[/color] Aer was born into a poor family in the slums. she was born an amber child, which is a condition brought on by having a parent exposed to certain magical machines. Her parents were both employed, but couldn't provide for their clutch of eight children. Most of them were orphans that they welcomed into their home. With no jobs available to her, and unable to sustain herself on what others threw away, Aer became a thief to provide for her ever growing family. She learned how to steal, fight, and play dirty in her unforgiving environment. But cunning and careful as she may have been, the authorities only have to catch you once... For most, Gillia's jails would have been a death sentence. But the government was able to more closely monitor her magical powers. Rather than make an example of the thief, they offered her a spot among their elite: the battle mages. Aer had no reasonable alternate options, so she took their offer. Surely being a legal slave was a better fate than rotting away in a jail cell. Aer has completed her training, and is now off to to show everyone the might of Gillia's empire. ...at least that's what she'll say if you ask. ⛑ [color=Tomato]Experience level:[/color] While I've been roleplaying 10+ years, I've never done the arena thing. Actually, I did once. A friend challenged me with his giant talking sausage that had all of the combined moved of everyone he had ever defeated. (totally OP) I was able to beat him, but only because I put his girlfriend in danger, forcing him to basically get KO'ed saving her. Everyone agreed that it was a pretty dick move on my part. I don't really count that one for some reason. [/hider]