The airway inching the robot and human closer and closer to certain demise slowly and surely lessened in velocity. It got to the point where both Conna'Cel and Faira were able to manage on solid footholds; yet the rest would be short-lived because soon enough the air current was picking up yet again, eager to draw them into the darkness below. It was almost like a throat contracting in and out, breathing one way and out the other. That imagery was contrasted with the prospect of freedom from this room, an opportunity that Shawn fully embraced without consequence. With nothing else keeping her here, Scarlet launched herself into the opening along with him, presumably with the others following behind her. Where the duct took them, no one could know or say, but eventually they did land in what looked like a dungeon of sorts. Of all the places to be in this hell house, a dungeon was perhaps not the most pleasant of locations to be in. At least the flood up above seemed to trickle down into only a bare stream. The dungeon itself looked bare and typical, save for the dried blood stains on the wall and the…was that a horse plopping in between the cells? [hr] [center][@Scarifar], [@Siaya Dragalorn], [@KoL], [@shi12][/center]