[quote=@Oddsbod] Man did you ever read that one Neil Gaiman Sherlock Holmes story? Study in Emerald? Talk about a wild ride. [/quote] That's actually one I [i]haven't[/i] read, but would like to. I still need to get and read through [url=http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-whole-art-of-detection-lyndsay-faye/1123925714?ean=9780802125927]Lyndsay Faye's new collection of Sherlock Holmes stories.[/url] Her voice for Holmes and Watson are pretty impressive. She's my friend now, but I actually knew her for years through her writing first. (I got to meet her and work with her once I moved to the city because she lives here too.) Her book Dust & Shadows is still one of my favorite pastiches. (That one is Holmes versus Jack the Ripper.)