[quote=@Sherlock Holmes] That's actually one I [i]haven't[/i] read, but would like to. I still need to get and read through [url=http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-whole-art-of-detection-lyndsay-faye/1123925714?ean=9780802125927]Lyndsay Faye's new collection of Sherlock Holmes stories.[/url] Her voice for Holmes and Watson are pretty impressive. She's my friend now, but I actually knew her for years through her writing first. (I got to meet her and work with her once I moved to the city because she lives here too.) Her book Dust & Shadows is still one of my favorite pastiches. (That one is Holmes versus Jack the Ripper.) [/quote] Oh nice. I don't think I ever read anything from her, but I might add Dust and Shadow to this summer's reading list. Gotta zone up my writing jujus before senior project next semester. Are there other books by her you might recommend first? (I'd really recommend the short story collection that Study of Emerald is in too, Fragile Things has some great pieces in it, if you're looking to read it.)