Yumeko stared back at the woman, curious who she was. She couldn't be one of those hackers, right? That'd be far too easy. She wasn't the contact was she? [color=yellow]"Who. . . Are you?"[/color] The Japanese girl mumbled to herself. Tinkermon was a little surprised by Impmon's question though. They were around the Bureau a bit so he should know who she is. [b]"Oh, did my appearance decieve you? How could you forget a beautiful subject like me? And I was sure those two would mention me here. Geez, Vivian. I thought you fell for my appearance before and you can't even tell it's me now?"[/b] The woman asked many questions but ended up shrugging and looking to them. [b]"It's me, Arukenimon. I'm a bit less beautiful like this, but I can actually travel around like this. My kind have a bad Reputation around so it's easier to not scare Digimon off like this. [color=tan]"Geez, Impmon. How could you forget that Arukenimon could do this?"[/color] Tinkermon complained at the black colored digimon. Then she looked to Candlemon. It didn't say anything but she might as well, [color=tan]"I hope you didn't forget either Candlemon!"[/color] [color=yellow]"So, uhhh, Arukenimon. . ."[/color] Arukenimon's current appearance confused Yumeko, but it was probably better than her normal one. [color=yellow]"We're suppose to find signs of hackers?"[/color] The spider disguised as a woman nodded a few times as she motioned toward the village. [b]"I'm just here to supervise and make sure you don't get into too much trouble and give you a feel for this. I'd go around and ask. Your contact will probably find you. You stand out a bit more than they will probably."[/b] Her saying 'probably' didn't sound very convincing. [b]"You could cover more ground if you split up."[/b] Yumeko looked to the others and shrugged. It didn't matter to her.