[hider=Dante Rosa][center][img]http://sm.ign.com/t/ign_ap/news/a/ask-platin/ask-platinumgames-anything-about-scalebound_zwyk.640.jpg[/img][/center] [color=FFB6C1]Name:[/color] [i]Dante Rosa[/i] [color=FFB6C1]Age:[/color] [i]19[/i] [color=FFB6C1]Height:[/color] [i]6'2 Ft. (Approx. 182 centimeters)[/i] [color=FFB6C1]Weight:[/color] [i]200 lbs. (Approx. 90 kilograms)[/i] [color=FFB6C1]Bio/Summary:[/color] [i]The Rosa family is a modest noble house that is well respected for their military acumen in service to the Grand Duchy, with many ancestors famous for their tactical genius, combat prowess, and honorable conduct. Dante is the oldest son of the current generation of Rosa's, his upbringing being one of rigid discipline and schooling even before his abilities began to manifest. Dante's abilities were met with with beaming pride and a joyous feast, his family taking his awakening powers a good omen. Afterwards Dante was shipped of to Cadenza Academy and has since been working tirelessly to make his family proud. Dante himself is an honorable man, carrying himself with the dignity worthy of his place but with none of the arrogance. He does not see his himself above others and always tries to be worthy of the name Rosa, guardians and warriors in equal measures.[/i] [color=FFB6C1]Vessel:[/color] [i]Dante's Vessel is named Dominus and takes the form of an iron bracer when dormant. It is intricately carved to represent the Rosa coat of arms, a shield wrapped in rose vines with a spear and a sword crossed behind it. When activated Dominus takes on the form of an Arbalest, or an exceptionally large crossbow, that is equally carved with it's limbs reinforced with iron. The rose and it's vines are portrayed heavily in the carvings. While Dante's connection with Dominus makes drawing the bolts easier there is still a noticeable delay between shots, as is Dante can fire four bolts within a minute.[/i] [color=FFB6C1]Abilities:[/color] [i]-Briar Shot, when fired into the ground an area of about 10 feet is overrun with grasping briars that entangle and inconvenience foes. -Visceral Shot, as the bolt enters a target it becomes jagged and cruel in form, causing heavy bleeding and immense pain. -Brilliant Lance, a shining line of light that can pierce through several men, however it only has a range of six feet.[/i] [color=FFB6C1]Equipment:[/color] [i]Multipurpose machete and an ivory smoking pipe[/i] [color=FFB6C1]Trivia/Other:[/color] [i]Dante's smoking pipe is an heirloom from his grandmother, a wild woman who was infamous for her fighting spirit and larger than life charisma. He keeps it more as a keepsake as a student he hasn't been able to get his hands on much pipeweed.[/i][/hider]