Jinx' bike slid around the curves as if it were held in place on the highway by slots. She bent the laws of physics a bit as on the tight curves her inside hip hovered mere inches from the blurring pavement beneath. She was in her element as she diced with the laws of chance at over 120 mph. The ocean to her left sparkled and flashed 100 feet below with only a tiny guard rail between her and it's beautiful plummet. The right was a shear cliff face broken by the occasional open area that signaled a canyon coming down from the foot hills above. Very few cars used coast highway anymore except as a way to reach the canyons which held secluded communities. This meant that at this time of day Jinx was nearly alone on her favorite road. She blew past three trucks headed in the opposite direction driving towards Second City The driver of the first truck noticed her but thought her only a suicidal babe on a bike as did the second driver but the third driver was struck by a familiarity which caused him to use his truck's facial recognition system. [B]"Holy Crap!"[/B] he said as the computer spat out that he'd just passed the Menace known as Jinx. HQ also linked to the three trucks which were returning from a training mission sent the group commander of the trucks orders to pursue at all cost and capture or destroy. Commander Jones ordered the trucks to halt and they deploy the two sky cycles to pursue and slow her till the trucks could bring up the troops. The two cycles lifted off manned by a pilot an gunner each and were soon humming along at their top speed of 180 mph. The trucks turned around an were soon following at little better than 50 mph along the dangerous road. Jinx was just coming out of a curve when she noticed something in her rear view, a strange flying craft. She knew instantly that the craft meant no good to her and took appropriate action by making herself a difficult target. It was good that she did for at that moment the second craft she hadn't seen opened up on her shattering the road where she'd just been. [B]"Son of a; did you see that she dodged my shot like she saw it coming?"[/B] says the gunner of the attacking craft. The two cycles jockey for another firing solution till they see the target accelerate to +200 mph and she begins to pull away