[centre][b][h1][color=tan]Cody[/color][/h1][/b] [@BlackPanther][/centre] Cody didn’t sleep much, having returned home, he assured his parents that he was okay. He had figured that Aron would want to stay with Gage, and hadn’t waited long for him, although he would have stayed all night, but his mothers worried voice had sent him home. He didn’t stay in his room long, instead he waited for his parents to fall asleep, before sneaking out. Dangerous, perhaps, yet Cody wasn’t terribly worried. He retreated to his treehouse, something he had worked on with his father over some years, until it was more like a house in its own right. At that moment, it was actually clean, as opposed to littered with rubbish. Cody spent most of his time here writing his book, often falling asleep on one of the beanbags. He’d brought Aron here, just the other day, and he sighed at the memory, his thoughts going to Aron. His boyfriend. Partner. Right then, his just about anything. He sighed again, and smiled to himself, wanting to call him, but not wanting to wake him if Aron had managed to sleep. Dropping down onto a beanbag, Cody laid back, glancing out the window, watching the sun slowly rising. He woke, having dozed slightly, and stretched, rising. He retrieved his phone, glancing at the screen, sighing softly. He was worried that there was no message from Aron, and he bit his lip, nervously. He sat back down, and quickly sent off a message to Aron. [centre][b]To:[/b] Aron Brooks Hey, is everything okay? I’m at the treehouse, and….I just wanted to see you. But if you’re at the hospital still, I understand.[/centre] He stopped himself before he could sound clingy, and sighed to himself, only then letting himself think on all that had happened. His closed his eyes, letting the images come. Perhaps that was why he hadn’t let himself sleep. Sleep made horrible images into nightmares. It was easier to deal with them awake, and he flicked through what he recalled of the attack. He remembered falling over, a log, a stick, maybe his own damn feet, the snap of bone, and the wolf on top of him. Utter fear, as he saw it leap away, attack someone else, the confusion, not able to see Aron. Cody shuddered. The hospital. Having their lives turned upside down, and inside out. He wanted Aron. He wanted the comfort of...love. Maybe that was selfish. He sighed, and opened his eyes, reaching for his phone, he sent another message to Aron, not caring if it sounded desperate. [centre][b]To:[/b] Aron Brooks ...please?[/centre] It was easier to be stronger with those you cared about, then when you were alone.