I'm posting this heavily WIP app/sheet here just to show tangible interest, since I have been very indecisive. Gorgenmast/Googer has agreed to let me be his character's hero, or at least one of them, so I'll be playing as this character, who is technically under the sphere of the Borians and Exarch Vadigar. [hider=Odokar] [color=a2d39c][u][b]Name:[/b][/u][/color] Renoven Odokar [color=a2d39c][u][b]Aliases[/b][/u][/color] The Shepard, The Worldweaver, Phantom King [color=a2d39c][u][b]Type:[/b][/u][/color] Unaligned Hero [color=a2d39c][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/oB9oO0Z.png[/img] Odokar's appearance is hardly in keeping with what one might expect of the son of an esteemed tribal lord of the Borians. Odokar is virtually always seen clad in a cloak of skins and hides, tattered and frayed by wear and exposure. Buzzard feathers are sewn into the cloak at the shoulders, giving the impression of rude epaulets, and a number of mystical trappings adorn his robes such as shell beads and small animal skulls carved with glyphs. His bizarre vestments give the impression of a vagabond mystic or cultist, and it is difficult to imagine such a person could in fact be the heir of a tribal lord. Despite his tattered and worn vestments, Odokar's face is boyish and smooth, with none of the traditionally-long facial hair of the Borian folk. His features are gaunt and pointed, and his grey-blue eyes always appear glazed over or out-of-focus; as if he is looking through and beyond the object or person before him. [color=a2d39c][u][b]Personality and Drive:[/b][/u][/color] Odokar is an outlier among his people. His motives are secretive and not totally defined. The young lord is considered a rather unorthodox person by typical Borians, defying much of what is normally expected from the tribal herdsmen of the north. Odokar is distant and aloof, reserved and distrusted by other Borians, who believe him to be hiding his true motives. This is compounded by the fact that Odokar has enlisted the help of a wild witch, who accompanies him everywhere he goes, circling around him like a black raven. He is believed to be under her spell, bewitched or perhaps in love with what many consider a dangerous sorceress. Odokar has with him an ominous air, a cold strangeness and an eeriness Borians are unfamiliar with, and deeply frightened by. He is reserved and seemingly uncaring or indifferent when it comes to common tragedy, though he shows an interest in the bigger picture. Tragedies, even ones that are emotionally devastating to most, are not like to affect him. He thinks ahead, and worries more about what may become of the world as a whole. Where most Borians seek to tackle problems directly, he looks for more thought-out alternatives. Despite all this, Odokar has a softer side fond of dry humor. His motives are largely unknown and are the subject of speculation among those who know him. The secretiveness has created distrust, however, and many believe he is being manipulated by the witch of the wilds [insert name] - that he is merely a servant working to empower her, or that she fills his head with terrible plots and foul magic. In truth, it was Odokar who sought her out. Were he not the son of Vortigas, few would offer consideration. But as the son of Vortigas, Odokar comes from a line of respected warriors and leaders with a place in the fledgling nobility that has begun to form in Boria. Among those noble sons, he is undoubtedly the black sheep. [color=a2d39c][u][b]Background:[/b][/u][/color] [color=a2d39c][u][b]Armaments:[/b][/u][/color] A walking staff fashioned from a gnarled sumac root, a plant known for its healing and metaphysical properties. The natural properties imbued with this staff are amplified by lengths of glyph-carved beads, each one bearing commands in an ancient language that the souls of the dead are obliged to heed. [color=a2d39c][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u][/color] Unlike most folk hailing from the northern realm of Boria, Odokar has little aptitude in combat or skill at arms. He has spent the entirety of his adult life mastering arts of a darker nature. Odokar has advanced knowledge of the spirit realm and the means to manipulate it. Much of this knowledge has been imparted by his strange companion, [insert witch's name here], who is almost always seen in his company. [/hider]