Ai'aight! Are we gonna try to do some awesome planes stuff again? I might not be the trip bot this time but I am very down, especially since we are running it 5E. As for the party, do we have a bard, paladin, and a sorc? Holy buhjeezus! That is a lot of wacky charaisma and awesomeness going on. I am tempted to keep the cha train rolling and do like a blade-lock or maybe run some cool support with a badass cleric. I do love a good cleric. If I go cleric I'm probably going to go for something like a Light domain to get that supah hot fiyah going. That or maybe do a tempest "Nope" cleric. If I go blade-lock im thinking Fey pact and just get my whimsy on with sweet teleports and misty stuff. Also, one thing I have been interested in was an abjuration wizard. that is of course only if we have something other than magic classes represented. Sorc, wiz, pal, bard doesn't have much balance. Then again, that can be fun in their own right. Oh, as for stats, I think the 5E point buy is actually really cool in all honesty. Though, I am also tempted by the idea of you rolling stats and then randoming them hard because that could make for some interesting characters. Like, get a set of stats and suddenly you gotta switch your class and all that good stuff.