[@Caits] [quote=@Eviledd1984] [hider= Roy Mitchel Warner] Name: Roy Mitchel Warner Allias: Necro Gender: Male Age: 14 Parents: Edna Carney and James Myers. Powers and abilities: Victor has the unusual power to control the undead.He can control the bodies of dead humans and animals.Besides controlling dead bodies he can also have them speak if he needed any information out of them. The downside to his power is that the dead bodies will start the process of decomposition if kept for too long. Weaponry – Bullwhip and Wooden Baton Equipment: None Personality: Victor is a daydreamer always spacing out imagining he was someplace else. Besides being a daydreamer he a bit lazy when it comes to certain things, Although when it comes it crime he is more then happy to commit it be it for money or pleasure. His outer perception to other people would tell that Victor is very shy not speaking much and only when he feels it is needed. However when he is around people he trusts he is quite talkative. Victor as well loves to paint and write poems and is very passionate about it. As well as being very protective of his art. He is also quite to anger having a very short temper letting out his anger in his own way. Bio: Extras: None Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ef/3e/c7/ef3ec7aa4f18acf0cbd46c9adf056615.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/quote]